Finden Sie schnell Umzugskarton für Ihr Unternehmen: 5 Ergebnisse

Draht- & Rohrbiegeteile

Draht- & Rohrbiegeteile

Egal ob Draht oder Rohr, wir bringen alle Metallteile, in beliebiger Stückzahl, in Form. uch bei der Weiterverarbeitung wie mechanische Bearbeitung, Schweißen, Löten, Sandstrahlen, Oberflächenbehandlung usw. gibt es keine Grenzen.
BIO Aprikosen  Konfitüre

BIO Aprikosen Konfitüre

BIO-Fruchtaufstrich Aprikose 20g Verkehrsbezeichnung: BIO-Fruchtaufstrich Aprikose Zutaten (gemäß Deklarationsangaben): Aprikosen*, Zucker*, Zitronensaftkonzentrat*, Geliermittel Pektin *aus kontrolliert biologischer Landwirtschaft Kontrollstelle: ES-ECO-025-NA Fruchtgehalt: Hergestellt aus 70 g Früchten je 100 g Gesamtzuckergehalt: Gesamtzuckergehalt 44 g je 100 g Sonstige Kennzeichnung: Vertreiber kontrolliert durch: AT-BIO-301 Einwaage: 2000 g EAN: 9120005778634 Sortierung: 100 Portionen je 20g/Karton Bruttogewicht/1Karton: 2,30kg


Animal feed - for all ruminant animals; conditionally also for horses and breeding sows - also available in organic Product description: We offer beet pulp pellets in an molassed and unmolassed form. The sugar beet pulp has a high and easily digestible (particularly for ruminant animals) fibre content of 15-18%. Aroma: intrinsic, free from other odours Pellet diameter: 6-7 mm Application: For all ruminant animals; conditionally also for horses and breeding sows. For horses, the beet pulp pellets should be sufficiently swelled using water before feeding.


Animal feed - for all species of livestock - also available in organic Product description: Maize gluten is produced in our AGRANA factory in Aschach an der Donau (Upper Austria). Due to its high percentage of raw protein (60%), the animal feed counts as one of the highest-quality protein feeds and as one of the best plant-based sources of usable protein. Due to its extremely high percentage of valuable ingredients, corn gluten is excellently suited to the high performance range for all species of livestock. Appearance: yellow to yellow-brown powder Aroma, taste: intrinsic, pure Application: Thanks to the natural colourings it contains, maize gluten is a highly valued component in feeding laying hens. Further main applications are in the aquaculture (fish feed) and pet food industries. Organic maize gluten is also available from us.


Animal feed - for monogastric as well as ruminant animals Product description: The maize gluten feed produced in the AGRANA maize starch factory in Aschach an der Donau (Upper Austria) is a carefully dried feed material with moderate protein and energy contents. Thanks to its good nutrient digestibility (70% - 80%), corn gluten feed works optimally and acts preventively against rumen acidosis for monogastric as well as ruminant animals. Appearance: yellow to yellow-brown powder Aroma, taste: intrinsic, pure Application: As a protein and energy source and also due to its good resistance to starches and proteins, it is not only excellently suited to supplementing feed mixtures for dairy cows and beef cattle but also for other species of livestock.