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Kühlbrücke | vergleichbar mit DME, Profil | TALKOB Schnellverschlusskupplung Temperierkupplung

Kühlbrücke | vergleichbar mit DME, Profil | TALKOB Schnellverschlusskupplung Temperierkupplung

Temperierkupplungen kompatibel zu den Artikeln des Herstellers „DME“ ─ Profile „International“. Artikelnummer: TS95125 Typ: Kupplung Winkel: 0° D: 24 L: 58 L1: 125 Ventil: Ohne Ventil
Kühlbrücke | vergleichbar mit DME, Profil | TALKOB Schnellverschlusskupplung Temperierkupplung

Kühlbrücke | vergleichbar mit DME, Profil | TALKOB Schnellverschlusskupplung Temperierkupplung

Temperierkupplungen kompatibel zu den Artikeln des Herstellers „DME“ ─ Profile „International“. Artikelnummer: TS50160 Typ: Kupplung Winkel: 0° D: 32 L: 78 L1: 160 Ventil: Ohne Ventil
Kühlbrücke | vergleichbar mit DME, Profil | TALKOB Schnellverschlusskupplung Temperierkupplung

Kühlbrücke | vergleichbar mit DME, Profil | TALKOB Schnellverschlusskupplung Temperierkupplung

Temperierkupplungen kompatibel zu den Artikeln des Herstellers „DME“ ─ Profile „International“. Artikelnummer: TS95250 Typ: Kupplung Winkel: 0° D: 24 L: 58 L1: 250 Ventil: Ohne Ventil
Kühlbrücke | vergleichbar mit DME, Profil | TALKOB Schnellverschlusskupplung Temperierkupplung

Kühlbrücke | vergleichbar mit DME, Profil | TALKOB Schnellverschlusskupplung Temperierkupplung

Temperierkupplungen kompatibel zu den Artikeln des Herstellers „DME“ ─ Profile „International“. Artikelnummer: TS70250 Typ: Kupplung Winkel: 0° D: 18 L: 42 L1: 250 Ventil: Ohne Ventil
Kühlbrücke | vergleichbar mit DME, Profil | TALKOB Schnellverschlusskupplung Temperierkupplung

Kühlbrücke | vergleichbar mit DME, Profil | TALKOB Schnellverschlusskupplung Temperierkupplung

Temperierkupplungen kompatibel zu den Artikeln des Herstellers „DME“ ─ Profile „International“. Artikelnummer: TS95500 Typ: Kupplung Winkel: 0° D: 24 L: 58 L1: 500 Ventil: Ohne Ventil
Kühlbrücke | vergleichbar mit DME, Profil | TALKOB Schnellverschlusskupplung Temperierkupplung

Kühlbrücke | vergleichbar mit DME, Profil | TALKOB Schnellverschlusskupplung Temperierkupplung

Temperierkupplungen kompatibel zu den Artikeln des Herstellers „DME“ ─ Profile „International“. Artikelnummer: TS50500 Typ: Kupplung Winkel: 0° D: 32 L: 78 L1: 500 Ventil: Ohne Ventil
Kühlbrücke | vergleichbar mit DME, Profil | TALKOB Schnellverschlusskupplung Temperierkupplung

Kühlbrücke | vergleichbar mit DME, Profil | TALKOB Schnellverschlusskupplung Temperierkupplung

Temperierkupplungen kompatibel zu den Artikeln des Herstellers „DME“ ─ Profile „International“. Artikelnummer: TS70125 Typ: Kupplung Winkel: 0° D: 18 L: 42 L1: 125 Ventil: Ohne Ventil
Kühlbrücke | vergleichbar mit DME, Profil | TALKOB Schnellverschlusskupplung Temperierkupplung

Kühlbrücke | vergleichbar mit DME, Profil | TALKOB Schnellverschlusskupplung Temperierkupplung

Temperierkupplungen kompatibel zu den Artikeln des Herstellers „DME“ ─ Profile „International“. Artikelnummer: TS50315 Typ: Kupplung Winkel: 0° D: 32 L: 78 L1: 315 Ventil: Ohne Ventil


Unsere vollverschweißten Plattenwärmetauscher überzeugen durch kompakte Größe, hervorragende Wärmeübertragungskoeffizienten und vergleichsweise niedrige Investitionskosten. Sie sind besonders robust und erfordern nur sehr wenig Reinigungs- und Wartungsaufwand. Die konstruktiven Vorteile kommen daher in Bereichen zur Geltung, in denen neben der Leistung auch Belastbarkeit gefragt ist. Kelvion K°Bloc, K°Flex, Rekuluvo, Rekugavu


Unsere 6,5 KG Trockeneis-Pellets in 3 mm Größe sind die perfekte Wahl für Trockeneisstrahlen und Kühlungsanwendungen. Geliefert in einem Thermo-Styroporbehälter, garantieren wir die Frische und Qualität unserer Produkte. Die Pellets zeichnen sich durch ihre besondere Strahlqualität und extrem harte Premium-Qualität aus. Geeignet für den Einsatz in Lebensmitteln, erfüllen sie höchste CO² Reinheitsstandards (99.9%) gemäß unserem Safe-For-Food-Programm. Profitieren Sie von unseren besten Konditionen durch effiziente Produktion und niedrige Versandkosten, während Sie sich auf die Haltbarkeit und Versandgewichte unserer Produkte verlassen können.


Doppelrohr-Sicherheitswärmetauscher spielen eine wichtige Rolle bei Anwendungen, bei denen aufgrund einer Leckage eine Vermischung der Wärmetauschermedien verhindert werden muss. Doppelrohr-Sicherheitswärmetauscher haben sich als ein Standard in der chemischen Industrie, Energiewirtschaft, Schwer- und Leichtindustrie, im Öl- und Gas-, Marine-, Transport- und Kühlsektor sowie in der Lebensmittel- und Getränkeindustrie etabliert und werden dort geschätzt. Kelvion entwickelt bereits seit langem neue und innovative Technologien und bemüht sich stets, höchsten Anforderungen in Bezug auf Sicherheit, Umweltschutz und kosteneffiziente Lösungen gerecht zu werden. Unsere Ingenieuere sind dazu ausgebildet, Ihnen erstklassige Lösungen anzubieten, die genau auf Ihre spezifischen Anforderungen zugeschnitten sind. In Zeiten strengerer Gesetze und Verordnungen in Bezug auf Sicherungsanforderungen bei Umwelt- und Gewässerschutz, bieten sich die Doppelrohr-Sicherheitswärmetauscher als die Technologie der Wahl an. Auf dem Gebiet der Doppelrohr-Sicherheitstechnologie ist Kelvion Marktführer, mit mehr als 40 Jahren Erfahrung in der Entwicklung wegweisender Lösungen basierend auf höchsten Industriestandards. Unsere Produktlinie „Shell & Tube Double Safety“ umfasst ein breites Spektrum von standardisierten Wärmetauschertypen bis hin zu kundenspezifischen Lösungen. Die Wärmetauscher werden dabei stets in enger Zusammenarbeit mit unseren Kunden entworfen und ausgelegt, um den jeweiligen Anforderungen voll gerecht zu werden. Wir passen unsere Produkte ständig den wechselnden Markterfordernissen an und entwickeln stetig neue Produkte. Funktion und Design Anders als normale Rohrbündelwärmetauscher in Einzelrohrbauweise, verfügen die Rohre eines Doppelrohr-Sicherheitswärmetauschers über eine doppelte Rohrwand, die aus einem inneren und einem äußeren Rohr besteht. Zusätzlich befinden sich an jeder Seite zwei Rohrböden. Wenn ein Rohr beschädigt ist, fließt das Medium durch die Leckagekanäle zwischen den Doppelrohren in den Leckageraum zwischen den beiden Rohrböden und löst einen Alarm im Leckagesensor aus. Da die zweite Rohrwand unbeschädigt ist, bleiben die beiden Medien getrennt. Eine Kontamination der Prozesse und des zugehörigen Equipments wird somit verhindert und der Anlagenbetreiber kannden Wärmetauscher bis zur nächsten Wartung weiter in Betrieb lassen. Ein teurer, nicht eingeplanter Stillstand wird damit vermieden. Mehr Sicherheit mit Doppelrohren Doppelrohr-Sicherheitswärmetauscher sind in verschiedenen Materialien und Materialkombinationen erhältlich, abhängig von der Anwendung und den eingesetzten Medien. Das Innenrohr ist normalerweise als Glattrohr ausgeführt, während das Außenrohr ein gerieftes Profil auf der Innenseite besitzt. Dieses stellt zum einen den metallischen Kontakt zwischen den beiden Rohren sicher, um einen optimalen Wärmetransfer zu generieren. Zum anderen entstehen durch das Profil feine Leckagekanäle zwischen den beiden Rohren.. Abhängig von der Anwendung und den unterschiedlichen Medieneigenschaften kann die äußere Fläche des Außenrohres glatt oder berippt ausgeführt werden. S&T DS
Heizpatronen Typ 0 ohne Mantel, Heizstäbe, Heizelemente, Heizungen, elektrische, für industrielle Zwecke

Heizpatronen Typ 0 ohne Mantel, Heizstäbe, Heizelemente, Heizungen, elektrische, für industrielle Zwecke

Heizpatronen ohne Mantel Typ 0 sind besonders geeignet zur Lufterwärmung und zum Einbau in Tauchrohre. Typ: 0 max. Einsatztermperatur: 600°C max. Leistungsdichte: 4 W/cm²
Heizpatronen Typ PE,  Heizstäbe, Heizelemente, Heizungen, elektrische, für industrielle Zwecke

Heizpatronen Typ PE, Heizstäbe, Heizelemente, Heizungen, elektrische, für industrielle Zwecke

Heizpatronen sind besonders geeignet zum Einsatz als Werkzeugbeheizung, zur Beheizung von Breitschlitzdüsen, im Sondermaschinenbau, an Verpackungsmaschinen etc. Typ: PE max. Einsatztermperatur: 400°C max. Leistungsdichte: 4 W/cm²
Heizpatronen Typ PDE,  Heizstäbe, Heizelemente, Heizungen, elektrische, für industrielle Zwecke

Heizpatronen Typ PDE, Heizstäbe, Heizelemente, Heizungen, elektrische, für industrielle Zwecke

Heizpatronen sind besonders geeignet zum Einsatz als Werkzeugbeheizung, zur Beheizung von Breitschlitzdüsen, im Sondermaschinenbau, an Verpackungsmaschinen etc. Typ: PDE max. Einsatztermperatur: 500°C max. Leistungsdichte: 10 W/cm²
Soft Ferrite Magnet

Soft Ferrite Magnet

Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets Power conversion Line filters Radio frequency applications TransformersIt is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance Soft Ferrite Magnets Soft ferrite are not permanent magnets. They carry magnetism (like mild steel) but as soon as the magnetic field is removed, the magnetism disappears. Soft ferrite are popular as transformers (to change the voltage from primary to secondary windings). So soft ferrite are often called transformer ferrite. Soft ferrite exist as toroids (rings), C shapes, E-shapes, curved shapes, etc. Other shapes are possible. They often have performance criteria such as permeability and inductance. Advantages & Disadvantages of Soft Ferrite Magnets Advantages * Carry magnetism effectively with low losses * Can handle alternating currents Disadvantages * Have different properties such as inductance and permeability so care is required to get a correct material type * It will be expected that the customer knows exactly what they require Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets * Power conversion * Line filters * Radio frequency applications * Transformers It is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance characteristics of the soft iron material that they require. We do not currently offer technical design support for this product range. China: Germany Stock 100g: 1.2kg. Soft Ferrite Magnet: RM. grey: grey
Soft Ferrite Magnet

Soft Ferrite Magnet

Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets Power conversion Line filters Radio frequency applications TransformersIt is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance Soft Ferrite Magnets Soft ferrite are not permanent magnets. They carry magnetism (like mild steel) but as soon as the magnetic field is removed, the magnetism disappears. Soft ferrite are popular as transformers (to change the voltage from primary to secondary windings). So soft ferrite are often called transformer ferrite. Soft ferrite exist as toroids (rings), C shapes, E-shapes, curved shapes, etc. Other shapes are possible. They often have performance criteria such as permeability and inductance. Advantages & Disadvantages of Soft Ferrite Magnets Advantages * Carry magnetism effectively with low losses * Can handle alternating currents Disadvantages * Have different properties such as inductance and permeability so care is required to get a correct material type * It will be expected that the customer knows exactly what they require Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets * Power conversion * Line filters * Radio frequency applications * Transformers It is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance characteristics of the soft iron material that they require. We do not currently offer technical design support for this product range. China: Germany Stock 100g: 1.2kg. Soft Ferrite Magnet: UU grey: grey
Soft Ferrite Magnet

Soft Ferrite Magnet

Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets Power conversion Line filters Radio frequency applications TransformersIt is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance Soft Ferrite Magnets Soft ferrite are not permanent magnets. They carry magnetism (like mild steel) but as soon as the magnetic field is removed, the magnetism disappears. Soft ferrite are popular as transformers (to change the voltage from primary to secondary windings). So soft ferrite are often called transformer ferrite. Soft ferrite exist as toroids (rings), C shapes, E-shapes, curved shapes, etc. Other shapes are possible. They often have performance criteria such as permeability and inductance. Advantages & Disadvantages of Soft Ferrite Magnets Advantages * Carry magnetism effectively with low losses * Can handle alternating currents Disadvantages * Have different properties such as inductance and permeability so care is required to get a correct material type * It will be expected that the customer knows exactly what they require Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets * Power conversion * Line filters * Radio frequency applications * Transformers It is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance characteristics of the soft iron material that they require. We do not currently offer technical design support for this product range. China: Germany Stock 100g: 1.2kg. Soft Ferrite Magnet: Soft Magnet Core grey: grey
Soft Ferrite Magnet

Soft Ferrite Magnet

Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets Power conversion Line filters Radio frequency applications TransformersIt is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance Soft Ferrite Magnets Soft ferrite are not permanent magnets. They carry magnetism (like mild steel) but as soon as the magnetic field is removed, the magnetism disappears. Soft ferrite are popular as transformers (to change the voltage from primary to secondary windings). So soft ferrite are often called transformer ferrite. Soft ferrite exist as toroids (rings), C shapes, E-shapes, curved shapes, etc. Other shapes are possible. They often have performance criteria such as permeability and inductance. Advantages & Disadvantages of Soft Ferrite Magnets Advantages * Carry magnetism effectively with low losses * Can handle alternating currents Disadvantages * Have different properties such as inductance and permeability so care is required to get a correct material type * It will be expected that the customer knows exactly what they require Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets * Power conversion * Line filters * Radio frequency applications * Transformers It is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance characteristics of the soft iron material that they require. We do not currently offer technical design support for this product range. China: Germany Stock 100g: 1.2kg. Soft Ferrite Magnet: Soft Magnet Shapes grey: grey
Soft Ferrite Magnet

Soft Ferrite Magnet

Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets Power conversion Line filters Radio frequency applications TransformersIt is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance Soft Ferrite Magnets Soft ferrite are not permanent magnets. They carry magnetism (like mild steel) but as soon as the magnetic field is removed, the magnetism disappears. Soft ferrite are popular as transformers (to change the voltage from primary to secondary windings). So soft ferrite are often called transformer ferrite. Soft ferrite exist as toroids (rings), C shapes, E-shapes, curved shapes, etc. Other shapes are possible. They often have performance criteria such as permeability and inductance. Advantages & Disadvantages of Soft Ferrite Magnets Advantages * Carry magnetism effectively with low losses * Can handle alternating currents Disadvantages * Have different properties such as inductance and permeability so care is required to get a correct material type * It will be expected that the customer knows exactly what they require Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets * Power conversion * Line filters * Radio frequency applications * Transformers It is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance characteristics of the soft iron material that they require. We do not currently offer technical design support for this product range. China: Germany Stock 100g: 1.2kg. Soft Ferrite Magnet: UI. grey: grey
Soft Ferrite Magnet

Soft Ferrite Magnet

Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets Power conversion Line filters Radio frequency applications TransformersIt is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance Soft Ferrite Magnets Soft ferrite are not permanent magnets. They carry magnetism (like mild steel) but as soon as the magnetic field is removed, the magnetism disappears. Soft ferrite are popular as transformers (to change the voltage from primary to secondary windings). So soft ferrite are often called transformer ferrite. Soft ferrite exist as toroids (rings), C shapes, E-shapes, curved shapes, etc. Other shapes are possible. They often have performance criteria such as permeability and inductance. Advantages & Disadvantages of Soft Ferrite Magnets Advantages * Carry magnetism effectively with low losses * Can handle alternating currents Disadvantages * Have different properties such as inductance and permeability so care is required to get a correct material type * It will be expected that the customer knows exactly what they require Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets * Power conversion * Line filters * Radio frequency applications * Transformers It is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance characteristics of the soft iron material that they require. We do not currently offer technical design support for this product range. China: Germany Stock 100g: 1.2kg. Soft Ferrite Magnet: I T UU RM soft magnet grey: grey
Soft Ferrite Magnet

Soft Ferrite Magnet

Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets Power conversion Line filters Radio frequency applications TransformersIt is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance Soft Ferrite Magnets Soft ferrite are not permanent magnets. They carry magnetism (like mild steel) but as soon as the magnetic field is removed, the magnetism disappears. Soft ferrite are popular as transformers (to change the voltage from primary to secondary windings). So soft ferrite are often called transformer ferrite. Soft ferrite exist as toroids (rings), C shapes, E-shapes, curved shapes, etc. Other shapes are possible. They often have performance criteria such as permeability and inductance. Advantages & Disadvantages of Soft Ferrite Magnets Advantages * Carry magnetism effectively with low losses * Can handle alternating currents Disadvantages * Have different properties such as inductance and permeability so care is required to get a correct material type * It will be expected that the customer knows exactly what they require Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets * Power conversion * Line filters * Radio frequency applications * Transformers It is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance characteristics of the soft iron material that they require. We do not currently offer technical design support for this product range. China: Germany Stock 100g: 1.2kg. Soft Ferrite Magnet: CEPQEFDEPC Soft grey: grey
Soft Ferrite Magnet

Soft Ferrite Magnet

Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets Power conversion Line filters Radio frequency applications TransformersIt is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance Soft Ferrite Magnets Soft ferrite are not permanent magnets. They carry magnetism (like mild steel) but as soon as the magnetic field is removed, the magnetism disappears. Soft ferrite are popular as transformers (to change the voltage from primary to secondary windings). So soft ferrite are often called transformer ferrite. Soft ferrite exist as toroids (rings), C shapes, E-shapes, curved shapes, etc. Other shapes are possible. They often have performance criteria such as permeability and inductance. Advantages & Disadvantages of Soft Ferrite Magnets Advantages * Carry magnetism effectively with low losses * Can handle alternating currents Disadvantages * Have different properties such as inductance and permeability so care is required to get a correct material type * It will be expected that the customer knows exactly what they require Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets * Power conversion * Line filters * Radio frequency applications * Transformers It is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance characteristics of the soft iron material that they require. We do not currently offer technical design support for this product range. China: Germany Stock 100g: 1.2kg. Soft Ferrite Magnet: UU RM ER EE soft grey: grey
Soft Ferrite Magnet

Soft Ferrite Magnet

Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets Power conversion Line filters Radio frequency applications TransformersIt is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance Soft Ferrite Magnets Soft ferrite are not permanent magnets. They carry magnetism (like mild steel) but as soon as the magnetic field is removed, the magnetism disappears. Soft ferrite are popular as transformers (to change the voltage from primary to secondary windings). So soft ferrite are often called transformer ferrite. Soft ferrite exist as toroids (rings), C shapes, E-shapes, curved shapes, etc. Other shapes are possible. They often have performance criteria such as permeability and inductance. Advantages & Disadvantages of Soft Ferrite Magnets Advantages * Carry magnetism effectively with low losses * Can handle alternating currents Disadvantages * Have different properties such as inductance and permeability so care is required to get a correct material type * It will be expected that the customer knows exactly what they require Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets * Power conversion * Line filters * Radio frequency applications * Transformers It is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance characteristics of the soft iron material that they require. We do not currently offer technical design support for this product range. China: Germany Stock 100g: 1.2kg. Soft Ferrite Magnet: Nano Core. grey: grey
THC - Temperiergeräte Variotherm

THC - Temperiergeräte Variotherm

Variotherme Temperierung im Schaltpunkt von 18°C bis +180°C Ihre Vorteile Variotherme Temperaturen von +18°C bis max. +180°C Blitzschneller Wechsel der Kühltemperaturen während des Einspritzprozesses Hohe Volumenströme direkt am Prozess Integrierte Prozessanalysesoftware Präzise Temperierung bei ±0,5°C Zyklusverkürzung und Prozessbeschleunigung Verbesserung von Oberflächenqualität Verschiebung von Bindenähten Verringerung von Ausschussraten und Schwindung Haupteigenschaften 3 verschiedene Modelle von 18,0 kW bis 54,0 kW Heizleistung Anschluss an zentralen Kältemaschinenkreislauf Volumenströme von 10,0 l/min. bis 200 l/min. Auswahl aus 6 verschiedenen Prozesspumpen im Hochfluss- und Hochdruckbereich Edelstahlwärmetauscher Automatisches Verteilersystem für sekundenschnelle Wechsel zwischen Kalt- und Heißwasser Kein Rücklauf von Heißwasser in die Kaltwasserseite des THC Programmierbare 7“ Touchscreen PLC mit Prozessanalyse Software Hochdruck Sicherheitsventil und -Thermostat Optionale Komponenten Automatisches 4- / 8-fach Verteilersystem Rücklauftemperatursensoren an jedem Verteiler (max. 8 Stk. pro Verteiler) Stromzähler
AlNiCo Magnet

AlNiCo Magnet

According to different production processes, AlNiCo magnets are divided into cast AlNiCo and sintered AlNiCo. The shapes of the products are mostly round and square. The casting process can be processed into different sizes and shapes; compared with the casting process, the sintered product is limited to a smaller size, and the dimensional tolerance of the formed blank is better than that of the cast product, and the magnetic properties are better than that of the cast product The magnetic properties are slightly lower, but the processability is better. Among permanent magnet materials, cast AlNiCo permanent magnets have the lowest reversible temperature coefficient and can work at temperatures up to 550 degrees Celsius. China: Germany Stock Stock g: 1 D13x9mm: D40x10mm sliver: silver
AlNiCo Magnet

AlNiCo Magnet

According to different production processes, AlNiCo magnets are divided into cast AlNiCo and sintered AlNiCo. The shapes of the products are mostly round and square. The casting process can be processed into different sizes and shapes; compared with the casting process, the sintered product is limited to a smaller size, and the dimensional tolerance of the formed blank is better than that of the cast product, and the magnetic properties are better than that of the cast product The magnetic properties are slightly lower, but the processability is better. Among permanent magnet materials, cast AlNiCo permanent magnets have the lowest reversible temperature coefficient and can work at temperatures up to 550 degrees Celsius. China: Germany Stock Stock g: 1 D13x9mm: D50x10mm sliver: silver
AlNiCo Magnet

AlNiCo Magnet

According to different production processes, AlNiCo magnets are divided into cast AlNiCo and sintered AlNiCo. The shapes of the products are mostly round and square. The casting process can be processed into different sizes and shapes; compared with the casting process, the sintered product is limited to a smaller size, and the dimensional tolerance of the formed blank is better than that of the cast product, and the magnetic properties are better than that of the cast product The magnetic properties are slightly lower, but the processability is better. Among permanent magnet materials, cast AlNiCo permanent magnets have the lowest reversible temperature coefficient and can work at temperatures up to 550 degrees Celsius. China: Germany Stock Stock g: 1 D13x9mm: Horseshoes Magnets sliver: silver
AlNiCo Magnet

AlNiCo Magnet

According to different production processes, AlNiCo magnets are divided into cast AlNiCo and sintered AlNiCo. The shapes of the products are mostly round and square. The casting process can be processed into different sizes and shapes; compared with the casting process, the sintered product is limited to a smaller size, and the dimensional tolerance of the formed blank is better than that of the cast product, and the magnetic properties are better than that of the cast product The magnetic properties are slightly lower, but the processability is better. Among permanent magnet materials, cast AlNiCo permanent magnets have the lowest reversible temperature coefficient and can work at temperatures up to 550 degrees Celsius. China: Germany Stock Stock g: 1 D13x9mm: Alnico round bars sliver: silver
AlNiCo Magnet

AlNiCo Magnet

According to different production processes, AlNiCo magnets are divided into cast AlNiCo and sintered AlNiCo. The shapes of the products are mostly round and square. The casting process can be processed into different sizes and shapes; compared with the casting process, the sintered product is limited to a smaller size, and the dimensional tolerance of the formed blank is better than that of the cast product, and the magnetic properties are better than that of the cast product The magnetic properties are slightly lower, but the processability is better. Among permanent magnet materials, cast AlNiCo permanent magnets have the lowest reversible temperature coefficient and can work at temperatures up to 550 degrees Celsius. China: Germany Stock Stock g: 1 D13x9mm: deep pot magnet sliver: silver
AlNiCo Magnet

AlNiCo Magnet

According to different production processes, AlNiCo magnets are divided into cast AlNiCo and sintered AlNiCo. The shapes of the products are mostly round and square. The casting process can be processed into different sizes and shapes; compared with the casting process, the sintered product is limited to a smaller size, and the dimensional tolerance of the formed blank is better than that of the cast product, and the magnetic properties are better than that of the cast product The magnetic properties are slightly lower, but the processability is better. Among permanent magnet materials, cast AlNiCo permanent magnets have the lowest reversible temperature coefficient and can work at temperatures up to 550 degrees Celsius. China: Germany Stock Stock g: 1 D13x9mm: Alnico Rectangular Bars magnets sliver: silver