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Zahnimplantate bieten die Möglichkeit, fehlende Zähne zu ersetzen. Sie sind künstliche Zahnwurzeln, die fest in den Kieferknochen eingepflanzt werden. Dort nehmen sie den Platz der verloren gegangene Zahnwurzel ein.
Traqc-8 digitaler pneumatischer Druckkalibrator, Prüfkoffer

Traqc-8 digitaler pneumatischer Druckkalibrator, Prüfkoffer

Prüfkoffer: The digital pneumatic portable calibrator Traqc-8 is designed for the supply and measurement of high pneumatic pressures. The digital pneumatic portable calibrator Traqc-8 is designed for the supply and measurement of high pneumatic pressures. The Traqc-8 can be used for calibrating and testing high pressure transmitters, pressure switches, safety valves, etc. The built-in high pressure gas bottle and battery make it possible to use this test unit at all locations, independent of any external pressure source or mains supply. Accuracy: ± 0.02% F.S. Operating temperature: between 5 and 45°C. 3 Analogue 63mm monitor gauges 2 liter Integrated Gas capacity for maximum working pressure of 200 bar Sensor Ranges from 0-16 bar to 0-250 barg (others on request) Fine control valves with soft seat and tight shut-off. Overpressure protection: Pressure limiting valve


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