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BIO Schopf-Tintling Pulverextrakt 30% Polysaccharide; Schopf-Tintling Pulver 2% Polysaccharide

BIO Schopf-Tintling Pulverextrakt 30% Polysaccharide; Schopf-Tintling Pulver 2% Polysaccharide

Qualität: für Lebensmittel Verarbeiteter Teil: Fruchtkörper Extraktionsmittel: Wasser Trägerstoff: keiner wiss. Name: Coprinus comatus Der Schopf-Tintling ist nicht nur für seinen Geschmack geschätzt, sondern enthält auch Nährstoffe wie Kalium und Vitamin D. Unsere Produkte werden als Bulkware verkauft. Bei den meisten unserer Produkte gibt es eine Mindestabnahmemenge von 25kg. Muster können bereitgestellt werden. Außerdem ist Plants2Market BIO und HACCP zertifiziert und seit Ende September 2023 DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 erstzertifiziert. Folgende Produkte bieten wir außerdem an: Acerola Ackerbohne Acker-Schachtelhalm Afrikanische Schwarzbohne Alant Alpha-Liponsäure Amla Artischocke Ashwagandha Astaxanthin Baldrian Bambus Beta Glucan BIO Birkenblatt BIO Brasilianischer Mandelegerling BIO Brennnessel BIO Brokkoli BIO Chaga BIO Chlorella BIO Cranberry BIO Gerstengras BIO Ginseng BIO Grapefruit BIO Grünkohl BIO Hagebutte BIO Heidelbeere BIO Igel-Stachelbart BIO Ingwer BIO Knotentang BIO Kurkuma BIO Löwenzahn BIO Maitake BIO Mariendistel BIO Matcha BIO Moringa BIO Petersilie BIO Reishi BIO Rote BIO Schopf-Tintling BIO Schwarzer BIO Shiitake BIO Spinat BIO Spirulina BIO Teufelskralle BIO Weizengras BIO Zimt BIO Zitrone BIO Zunderschwamm Bitterorange Bockshornklee Camu Camu Chili Chitosan Cistus Icanus Coenzym Q10 Commiphora myrrha Cordyceps Sinensis Curry Dattelpalme Dendrobium Chrysotoxum Dioscorea Bulbifera Dunaliella Echte Guave Echter Salbei Echter Thymian Eucalyptusblätter Fenchel Gänseblümchen Gardenie Gemeiner Steinpilz Gewöhnliche Goldrute Gewürzlilie Ginkgo Goji Grüner Tee Indisches Lungenkraut Jambu Japanischer Staudenknöterich Kamille Kardamom Karotte Kokosnusswasser Kolanuss Kürbis L-Glutathion L-Taurin Leinsamen Maisbart Melisse Olive Oregano Passionsblume Rauschbeere Reishi Ringelblume Rosenkohl Rosmarin Rotalge Rotklee Sägepalme Sanddorn Schwarze Johannisbeere Schwarze Walnuss Schwarzer Holunder Schwarzer Knoblauch Shilajit Sojabohne Sojalecithin Süßholz Tomate Vitamin A Vitamin B1 Vitamin B12 Vitamin B2 Vitamin B3 Vitamin B5 Vitamin B6 Vitamin B9 Vitamin D3 Vitamin E Vitamin K1 Vitamin K2 Wacholder Weidenrinde Weihrauch Weinrebe Weizenkeim Wermut Zuckertang Zwiebel
Tropfflasche 10 ml OVS NW 14 LDPE natur

Tropfflasche 10 ml OVS NW 14 LDPE natur

Medizin in flüssiger oder fester Form, die Pharmazie benötigt Tropfflaschen. Diese Tropfflasche aus Kunststoff werden auch als Dosierflaschen oder Laborflaschen bezeichnet. Die Flaschen haben ein gutes Rückstellverhalten und lassen sich leicht quetschen. Die Tropfflaschen - Dosierflaschen eignen sich besonders zur schnellen Spende und Dosierung von wässrigen und dickflüssigen Flüssigkeiten. Artikelnummer: 12157003 Größe: 10 ml Mündung: 18 Verschluss: Schraubverschluss, DIN
vita RDP® Redispersible Polymer Powder

vita RDP® Redispersible Polymer Powder

vita RDP® is a spray-dried, free-flowing powder that redistributes into an emulsion when mixed with water. It forms a flexible and adhesive polymer film upon drying and offers good storage stability and flowability. The powder can be pre-mixed with cement, fillers, and additives, simplifying on-site preparation and improving construction efficiency and quality. Product Composition Polymer Resin: Core functional component. Additives: Enhance performance and application range. Protective Colloid: Hydrophilic coating, usually polyvinyl alcohol. Anti-caking Agent: Fine mineral filler to prevent caking. vita RDP® redispersible polymer powder is classified into four grades: 8011: White or light yellow, free-flowing powder. Solid content ≥98.0%, ash content 18% ±2, bulk density 500−600 g/l, particle size ~80 μm, pH value 5.0-8.0, minimum film-forming temperature 0℃, glass transition temperature 16℃, non-hydrophobic. 8012: White or light yellow, free-flowing powder. Solid content ≥98.0%, ash content 15% ±2, bulk density 500−600 g/l, particle size ~80 μm, pH value 5.0-8.0, minimum film-forming temperature 0℃, glass transition temperature 3℃, non-hydrophobic. 8013: White or light yellow, free-flowing powder. Solid content ≥98.0%, ash content 12% ±2, bulk density 500−600 g/l, particle size ~80 μm, pH value 5.0-8.0, minimum film-forming temperature 0℃, glass transition temperature -8℃, non-hydrophobic. 8513: White or light yellow, free-flowing powder. Solid content ≥98.0%, ash content 12% ±2, bulk density 500−600 g/l, particle size ~80 μm, pH value 5.0-8.0, minimum film-forming temperature 0℃, glass transition temperature 3℃, hydrophobic. 4. Applications vita RDP® is used as an additive in building materials, enhancing modified polymer mortars for improved adhesion, flexibility, and durability. It is suitable for tile adhesives, bonding mortars, plasters, self-leveling mortars, putties, decorative plasters, dry coatings, joint fillers, repair mortars, and waterproof sealants. 5. Product Benefits Adhesion: Enhances bonding strength. Workability: Improves workability with micro-bubbles. Flexibility: Increases flexibility and crack resistance. Abrasion Resistance: Enhances surface strength. Water Resistance: Improves water resistance and prevents leaks. Hydrophobicity: Reduces efflorescence and alkali discharge, enhancing aesthetics.
Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose (HPMC)

Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose (HPMC)

Hypromellose or HPMC is a non-ionic cellulose ether made from natural cotton fiber through chemical processing. They are odorless, tasteless, non-toxic white powders that dissolve in cold water to form a clear, viscous solution with thickening, binding, dispersing, emulsifying, film-forming, suspending, adsorbing, gelling, retaining moisture, and properties of protective colloids. HPMC can be widely used in pharmaceutical excipient, food, construction, detergent and other industries. Chemical Specification: E Type: Methoxy 27.0-30.0%, Hydroxypropoxy 7.0-12.0%, USP Name: Hypromellose 2910, CAS: 9004-65-3 F Type: Methoxy 27.0-30.0%, Hydroxypropoxy 4.0-7.5%, USP Name: Hypromellose 2906 K Type: Methoxy 19.0-24.0%, Hydroxypropoxy 4.0-12.0%, USP Name: Hypromellose 2208 Viscosity Grades: E3, E5, E6, E15, E50, E4M: Various viscosities, suitable for 2910(E) F50, F4M: Suitable for 2906(F) K100, K4M, K100M: Suitable for 2208(K) Applications in Pharmaceuticals: Usage: Thickener, dispersant, emulsifier, filmogen, tablet binder, film coating, suspending agent, ophthalmic preparations Factors: Solubility, hydration, gel formation, viscosity, preparation methods Applications in Food: Advantages: Reduces oil consumption, thickens, controls water loss Usage: Pastry sugar glaze, candy coating, spice oil emulsion, cake, bread, ice cream, pudding Packaging: Standard: 25kg/Drum Shipping: 7.5MT with pallets, 10MT without pallets per 20ft container Standards Compliance: USP, EP, CP