Finden Sie schnell walnuss für Ihr Unternehmen: 4 Ergebnisse

Polypropylenschnüre normalfest

Polypropylenschnüre normalfest

Grobgeflecht von 4.0 mm bis 20.0 mm Durchmesser EIGENSCHAFTEN - relativ steife Schnur - harter Griff EINSATZBEREICHE - Kabeleinziehleine - Allzweckleine


Animal feed - particularly for pregnant and lactating animals - also available in organic Product description: Wheat bran is produced during starch production from sieved wheat and predominantly comprises outer shell parts, i.e. from parts of the grain which is largely separated from the endosperm. Appearance: brown appearance Aroma, taste: intrinsic, free from other odours or flavours Application: This is a feed material which is rich in raw fibre and is predominantly used as a mixing component for animal feed, particularly for pregnant and lactating animals.
Romisquelle prickelnd 1,0lt

Romisquelle prickelnd 1,0lt

Quellwasser prickelnd aus der Romisquelle in der Nationalparkgemeinde Hopfgarten in Defereggen, niedrig mineralisiert,PH-Wert 7,58, rechtsdrehend
Romisquelle still 1,0lt

Romisquelle still 1,0lt

Romisquelle prickelnd 1,0lt Quellwasser prickelnd aus der Romisquelle in der Nationalparkgemeinde Hopfgarten in Defereggen, niedrig mineralisiert,PH-Wert 7,58, rechtsdrehend