Ecocycle MW9 Heat Pump
Ecocycle MW9 Heat Pump

Ecocycle MW9 Heat Pump

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Water-to-Water, Heating- Inverter- Hot Water- Remote Control System In heating mode 1, it has a capacity of 9kW and an efficiency of COP 4.71 at 35°C hot water output at 0°C water supply. In heating mode 2, it has a capacity of 12kW and an efficiency of COP 6.15 at 35°C hot water output at 10°C water supply. Capacity 9kW Circulation Pump Built-in Compressor: BLDC Twin Rotary Operating Modes: Heating-Hot Water Mixing Valves: Internal Power Supply: 380V Refrigerant: R410A Product Dimensions W/D/Y: 710/710/1020 Areas of Use Hotel Designed to be integrated into pool heating systems. House: Designed to be integrated into residential plumbing systems. Greenhouse: Designed to be integrated into fancoil systems. Building: Designed to be integrated into underfloor heating systems.
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