Spektrometer FT 110A
Spektrometer FT 110A

Spektrometer FT 110A

Über dieses Produkt

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The FT110 series is a standard and versatile machine for metal coating thickness analysis. Advanced function allows you to operate easily and efficiently. Standard-free FP evaluation method results in precise and reliable data without the need of reference standards. Already the standard spectrometer configuration allows you to analysis: - automotive parts, such as bolt, nuts, and design parts etc. - electrical components & parts, such as PCB, connectors etc. - jewellery The advanced collimator design and the used cost-effective proportional counter detector enable high speed measurement over a wide thickness range as used in (multi-) layer structures such as automotive parts, electronic parts and components. Furthermore, the following functions realize an easy and efficient measurement: A new autofocus & auto approach function allows to focus automatically and ensure safe and rapid measurement with a greatly enhanced high level of easy operability. Using this function also enables to focus and to measure even if the samples show large variations in height, without adjusting height at same measurement condition. An optional wide view CCD camera allows positioning and multi-point measurement easily over a larger sample area. This spectrometer is CE-certified and fulfils the standard X-ray radiation protection regulations. Furthermore our quality management is ISO9001:2008 certified. Internal ID:: FT110


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