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IMES - EPM-XP Electronic Indicator

IMES - EPM-XP Electronic Indicator

EPM-XP ELECTRONIC INDICATOR The battery powered, hand-held EPM-XP Electronic Indicator EPM-XP is designed for periodic monitoring of cylinder pressures on large diesel, gas and dual-fuel engines. It provides important measurement data for engine diagnostics and condition monitoring directly at the point of use. EPM-XP gives immediate read-outs for peak pressure (Pmax) and (Pcomp) from a number of pressure cycles per cylinder. The acquired data can then be downloaded to a computer where the IMES visualisation and evaluation software is used to calculate IMEP and IPOWER including p/v diagrams. The EPM-XP electronic cylinder pressure indicator is designed for use on 2-stroke engines in the speed range 40 – 300 rpm and 4-stroke engines in the speed range 200 to 1500 rpm.


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