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Gai Pad Med Mamuang

Gai Pad Med Mamuang

Produktbeschreibung Gai Pad Med Mamuang ist eine geniale Mischung aus süsslich scharfen Aromen mit saftigem Hühnchen, roten Paprika, Zwiebeln und gerösteten Cashew Kernen. Dieses Wok Gericht vereint alle verschiedenen Geschmäcker, wofür die Thailändische Küche so sehr bekannt ist. Gai Pad Med Mamuang sollte auf keiner Karte fehlen und wird jeden Gast begeistern. Zubereitungsempfehlung Unser Premium Gai Pad Med Mamuang schmeckt unglaublich lecker fleischig-fruchtig-pikant. Dieses Schöpfgericht ist fix und fertig, frisch gekocht und bereit zum portionieren und anrichten. Geben Sie einfach Jasmin Reis oder Reisnudeln dazu und begeistern Sie Ihre Gäste. Es war noch nie so einfach ein leckeres und gesundes Gericht mit wenig Aufwand anzubieten. Für den besten Geschmack und die beste Qualität empfehlen wir, das Produkt vor Alle unsere Produkte werden in unserer Manufaktur frisch zubereitet. Sie sind ohne Geschmacksverstärker, frei von Gentechnik, ohne künstliche Aromen, ohne künstliche Farbstoffe, laktose- und glutenfrei.
Wholesale Big Thin wall NdFeB Magnet - Sensor Magnet

Wholesale Big Thin wall NdFeB Magnet - Sensor Magnet

China Magnets Source Material Limited provides rare earth magnets (Samarium–Cobalt & Neodymium), hard ferrite and AlNiCo permanent magnet, molded magnets for sensor applications. Custom Permanent Magnets for Sensor Applications Permanent magnets are applied in many electromagnetic transducers, electric machines and measurement instruments. Nowadays the new generation sensors, especially position sensors, are fitted with permanent magnets. In position sensors, they generally use permanent magnet for monitoring rotor position and rotary speed. In reed switches, they generally use permanent magnet for actuation. Sensor Magnet Manufacturer China Magnets Source Material Limited provides rare earth magnets (Samarium–Cobalt & Neodymium), hard ferrite and AlNiCo permanent magnet, molded magnets for sensor applications. They all come in different sizes and shapes. Meanwhile, they have different magnetic strengths. multi-poles ferrite injection molding magnet for sensor Different types of sensors and different working environments require different permanent magnets. Because of magnet’s properties, it should be fully considered shock, vibration, strong external magnetic fields as well as high temperatures in the design of sensor magnet. All these factors will influence the magnetic force and the long term stability in different ways. The sintered neodymium magnet is the strongest magnet. The rare earth smco magnets combine high magnetic force and high working temperature. Alnico magnets are the most stable magnet and can work up to 550°C. Ferrite magnets are the cheapest magnet and their coercivity is higher than alnico magnets. Molded magnets are best for multi-poles requirement and they are customized in variety material, shapes and sizes. Sintered NdFeB – N35 D 4 x 19 mm, D10x29 mm, N35H D 4 x 19 mm, N45 D 4 x 19 mm, D 6 x 10 mm, 10 x 5 x 1.9 mm, N48 D20.8x20mm SmCo5 – D 1.9 x 3 mm, D 3 x 4 mm, D 6.35 x 3.81 mm AlNiCo – D 2.5 x 12.7 mm, D 3.0 x 12.0 mm, D 4.0 x 19.0 mm, D 5.0 x 4.0 mm, D 5.0 x 20.0 mm, D 5.5 x 22.0 mm, D 7.5 x 27.0 mm, 3.2 x 3.2 x 19.0 mm Hard Ferrite 28/26 – 2.6 x 2.6 x 4.0 mm, 3.5 x 1.8 x 1.8 mm, 6.7 x 6.7 x 2.7 mm Molded magnets – customized Above magnet sizes are some of our most widely used models. If you need others, we can customize as required. Contact us for a quote. COATING: NICUNI, ZN, EPOXY AND OTHERS SIZE: CUSTOMIZED MATERIAL: NEODYMIUM, SMCO AND OTHERS SHAPE: RING, DISC, BLOCK, T, SEGMENT AND OTHERS