Finden Sie schnell schniede für Ihr Unternehmen: 118 Ergebnisse

Laser schneiden

Laser schneiden

Unser Grundprinzip als Atom Karınca Laser Cutting Family; Bedingungslose Kundenzufriedenheit. Dementsprechend besteht unser Hauptarbeitsprinzip darin, jeden Auftrag, den wir erhalten, zum günstigsten Preis und innerhalb der versprochenen Zeit abzuschließen, ohne Kompromisse bei der Produkt- und Servicequalität einzugehen. Unser Hauptziel ist es, mit unserem modernen Maschinenpark und unseren 60 Mitarbeitern, darunter 8 Angestellten und 27 Arbeitern, die Experten sind, die am besten geeignete Lösung für unsere Kunden zu entwickeln, indem wir die Bedürfnisse unserer Kunden so genau wie möglich verstehen auf ihren Feldern und 3000 Quadratmetern Fläche. Um unseren Kunden die höchste Servicequalität zu bieten, investieren wir ständig in unser Geschäft und erweitern unsere Struktur um Maschinen mit modernster Technologie. Selbst wenn unsere Kunden umfangreiche Aufträge haben, liefern wir die Aufträge „in der von uns versprochenen Zeit“, indem wir mit unserem großen Maschinenpark und unserer Betriebsstruktur, die in 24-Stunden-Schichten arbeiten kann, eine unterbrechungsfreie Produktion gewährleisten.
Laser schneiden

Laser schneiden

Im Vergleich zu anderen Metallschneidtechnologien ist das Laserschneiden sehr schnell und effizient und liefert die besten Ergebnisse beim Schneiden von Kohlenstoffstahl-, Edelstahl- und Aluminiumblechen unterschiedlicher Dicke. Es sorgt für saubere und glatte Schnittflächen und reduziert gleichzeitig den Produktionsprozess nach dem Schneiden. Mit den beiden Laserschneidmaschinen, über die wir verfügen, liefern wir Produkte für Regalsystemhersteller, Waggonhersteller, die Verteidigungsindustrie, Hersteller von Solarenergie-Montagesystemen, den Fertigbausektor und das Gesundheitswesen Geräte- und Industriemaschinenhersteller sowie andere Branchen. Wir bieten Laserschneiddienstleistungen an Trumpf 3030 Spezifikationen: CO2 TruFlow Laser 4kW / 1500x3000 mm Trumpf 3050 Spezifikationen: CO2 TruFlow Laser 5kW / 1500x3000 mm


Laser cut metal designs for shop fitting Discover our intricate and customizable laser cut metal designs, perfect for adding a touch of elegance and sophistication to your commercial or residential space. Our expert team works with you to create unique and stunning designs that fit your specific style and needs. Explore our collection now
Luxus-Wohnzimmermöbel Chesterfield-Schnitt-Cabrio

Luxus-Wohnzimmermöbel Chesterfield-Schnitt-Cabrio

We are one of the largest suppliers of Beds, Chairs, Garden furniture, Restaurant furniture, cafe furniture,Furniture, Sofas, Office furniture,Bed Parts, Sleeping Products, Contract Goods in Turkey. we export to more than 70 countries. We would like to get to know you more closely and to continue our cooperation permanently. I can't wait to hear from you guys soon. Kindest regards Gülperi Görgülü 1. Kayseri Industrial Zoneline 43. Street No. 13/A Karpuzsekisi Hacılar Postal Code : 38070 KAYSERI , TURKEY Phone : 00 90 552 890 07 89 Mobile : 00 90 552 890 0789 E-mail: & &
Travertin (Querschliff)

Travertin (Querschliff)

Cross cut ist eine Methode, bei der der travertinstein senkrecht zur natürlichen Schichtung geschnitten wird. Diese Schneidetechnik hebt die horizontalen Adern und die natürlichen Farbverläufe des Steins hervor. Infolgedessen entsteht eine Oberfläche, die dem Travertin ein glatteres, homogeneres und modernes Aussehen verleiht. Aufgrund dieser Eigenschaften ist Cross Cut Travertin eine häufig gewählte Option für Bodenbeläge, Wandverkleidungen und dekorative Elemente. Heute sind wir stolz darauf, ein globaler Akteur in der Natursteinbranche zu sein, indem wir in über 45 Länder exportieren. Wir legen stets großen Wert auf Kundenzufriedenheit, bauen langfristige Partnerschaften auf und gewährleisten in jedem unserer Projekte hohe Qualitätsstandards. Unser Unternehmen steht Ihnen zur Seite, um Ihre Räume inspiriert von der Natur zu verwandeln.
Ambalaj Karton Kesme Form Bıçağı

Ambalaj Karton Kesme Form Bıçağı

Üçes Makina tarafından paketleme sektörü için özel olarak tasarlanan Ambalaj Karton Kesme Form Bıçağı, karton ambalaj kesim işlemlerinde yüksek hassasiyet ve uzun ömür sunar. Bu form bıçağı, farklı kalınlıktaki kartonların kesiminde üstün performans sağlamak amacıyla geliştirilmiş olup, özellikle otomatik kesim makineleri ile tam uyumlu olacak şekilde üretilmiştir. İleri CNC işleme teknolojileri kullanılarak üretilen kesme bıçağı, yüksek kaliteli çelik alaşımlardan yapılmıştır ve aşınma direnci oldukça yüksektir. Ambalaj ve paketleme hatlarında verimliliği artıran bu bıçak, kesim kalitesini optimize eder ve üretim hatalarının önüne geçer. Ürün, ISO 9001:2015 kalite standartlarına uygun olarak üretilmekte olup, gıda, e-ticaret, ilaç ve tüketici ürünleri gibi çeşitli sektörlerde güvenle kullanılabilir. Farklı kesim gereksinimlerine göre özelleştirilebilen form bıçağı, hızlı ve temiz kesim yaparak üretim süreçlerine değer katar.
Kundenspezifische Luxus-Sofasitze im königlichen modernen Stil Wohnzimmersofas Schnitte

Kundenspezifische Luxus-Sofasitze im königlichen modernen Stil Wohnzimmersofas Schnitte

We are one of the largest suppliers of Beds, Chairs, Garden furniture, Restaurant furniture, cafe furniture,Furniture, Sofas, Office furniture,Bed Parts, Sleeping Products, Contract Goods in Turkey. we export to more than 70 countries. We would like to get to know you more closely and to continue our cooperation permanently. I can't wait to hear from you guys soon. Kindest regards Gülperi Görgülü 1. Kayseri Industrial Zoneline 43. Street No. 13/A Karpuzsekisi Hacılar Postal Code : 38070 KAYSERI , TURKEY Phone : 00 90 552 890 07 89 Mobile : 00 90 552 890 0789 E-mail: & &
Schnittfeste Handschuhe

Schnittfeste Handschuhe

Schnittfeste Handschuhe aus UHMWPE-Faser bieten hervorragende schnittfeste Eigenschaften, hohe Festigkeit und eine hochwertige Abriebfestigkeit. Sie sind geeignet für Schutzkleidung in der industriellen Produktion und den Schutz in risikobehafteten Umgebungen. Sie sind die meistverkauften und qualitativ besten Produkte aus UHMWPE-Faser auf dem Schutzmarkt.


Es handelt sich um eine Maschine, die für unsere Kunden entwickelt wurde, die Bleche verwenden und in der Lage sind, bis zu 100 mm schnell, präzise und qualitativ hochwertig zu schneiden. Mit unserer CNC- Plasmaschneidemaschine , die über ergonomische Merkmale und einen günstigen Preis verfügt , erfüllen wir die Anforderungen unserer Kunden . Als unser Unternehmen bieten wir Ihnen Plasmaschneiddienstleistungen in der Region Kocaeli an. Wir sind auch in den Salzseeregionen von Istanbul tätig. Sie können detaillierte Informationen erhalten und von unseren Aktivitäten profitieren, indem Sie mit uns Kontakt aufnehmen. Ajan CNC-Plasmaschneidemaschine Spezifikationen: max. 100 mm / 3000 x 12000 mm
Chesterfield-Sofa Sofas Moderner leichter Luxus Chesterfield-Schnitt

Chesterfield-Sofa Sofas Moderner leichter Luxus Chesterfield-Schnitt

We are one of the largest suppliers of Beds, Chairs, Garden furniture, Restaurant furniture, cafe furniture,Furniture, Sofas, Office furniture,Bed Parts, Sleeping Products, Contract Goods in Turkey. we export to more than 70 countries. We would like to get to know you more closely and to continue our cooperation permanently. I can't wait to hear from you guys soon. Kindest regards Gülperi Görgülü 1. Kayseri Industrial Zoneline 43. Street No. 13/A Karpuzsekisi Hacılar Postal Code : 38070 KAYSERI , TURKEY Phone : 00 90 552 890 07 89 Mobile : 00 90 552 890 0789 E-mail: & &
Wohnzimmermöbel Wohnmöbel Moderner Stoffschnitt

Wohnzimmermöbel Wohnmöbel Moderner Stoffschnitt

Wohnzimmermöbel Wohnmöbel Moderner Stoffschnitt
Stoffmöbel Schnitt Wohnzimmer Sofas Klassisch Europäisch

Stoffmöbel Schnitt Wohnzimmer Sofas Klassisch Europäisch

We are one of the largest suppliers of Beds, Chairs, Garden furniture, Restaurant furniture, cafe furniture,Furniture, Sofas, Office furniture,Bed Parts, Sleeping Products, Contract Goods in Turkey. we export to more than 70 countries. We would like to get to know you more closely and to continue our cooperation permanently. I can't wait to hear from you guys soon. Kindest regards Gülperi Görgülü 1. Kayseri Industrial Zoneline 43. Street No. 13/A Karpuzsekisi Hacılar Postal Code : 38070 KAYSERI , TURKEY Phone : 00 90 552 890 07 89 Mobile : 00 90 552 890 0789 E-mail: & &
Großverkauf der Fabrik neues Design morden Schnittsofa Stoffsofa

Großverkauf der Fabrik neues Design morden Schnittsofa Stoffsofa

We are one of the largest suppliers of Beds, Chairs, Garden furniture, Restaurant furniture, cafe furniture,Furniture, Sofas, Office furniture,Bed Parts, Sleeping Products, Contract Goods in Turkey. we export to more than 70 countries. We would like to get to know you more closely and to continue our cooperation permanently. I can't wait to hear from you guys soon. Kindest regards Gülperi Görgülü 1. Kayseri Industrial Zoneline 43. Street No. 13/A Karpuzsekisi Hacılar Postal Code : 38070 KAYSERI , TURKEY Phone : 00 90 552 890 07 89 Mobile : 00 90 552 890 0789 E-mail: & &
Neues Design modernes Schnittsofa Dreisitzer Wohnzimmermöbel Sofagarnitur modern

Neues Design modernes Schnittsofa Dreisitzer Wohnzimmermöbel Sofagarnitur modern

We are one of the largest suppliers of Beds, Chairs, Garden furniture, Restaurant furniture, cafe furniture,Furniture, Sofas, Office furniture,Bed Parts, Sleeping Products, Contract Goods in Turkey. we export to more than 70 countries. We would like to get to know you more closely and to continue our cooperation permanently. I can't wait to hear from you guys soon. Kindest regards Gülperi Görgülü 1. Kayseri Industrial Zoneline 43. Street No. 13/A Karpuzsekisi Hacılar Postal Code : 38070 KAYSERI , TURKEY Phone : 00 90 552 890 07 89 Mobile : 00 90 552 890 0789 E-mail: & &
Heiße Verkäufe zeitgenössisches Sofa Samt getuftete Couch blauer Samt schnitt Chesterfield-Sofagarnitur

Heiße Verkäufe zeitgenössisches Sofa Samt getuftete Couch blauer Samt schnitt Chesterfield-Sofagarnitur

We are one of the largest suppliers of Beds, Chairs, Garden furniture, Restaurant furniture, cafe furniture,Furniture, Sofas, Office furniture,Bed Parts, Sleeping Products, Contract Goods in Turkey. we export to more than 70 countries. We would like to get to know you more closely and to continue our cooperation permanently. I can't wait to hear from you guys soon. Kindest regards Gülperi Görgülü 1. Kayseri Industrial Zoneline 43. Street No. 13/A Karpuzsekisi Hacılar Postal Code : 38070 KAYSERI , TURKEY Phone : 00 90 552 890 07 89 Mobile : 00 90 552 890 0789 E-mail: & &
Heiße Verkäufe zeitgenössisches Sofa Samt getuftete Couch blauer Samt schnitt Chesterfield-Sofagarnitur

Heiße Verkäufe zeitgenössisches Sofa Samt getuftete Couch blauer Samt schnitt Chesterfield-Sofagarnitur

We are one of the largest suppliers of Beds, Chairs, Garden furniture, Restaurant furniture, cafe furniture,Furniture, Sofas, Office furniture,Bed Parts, Sleeping Products, Contract Goods in Turkey. we export to more than 70 countries. We would like to get to know you more closely and to continue our cooperation permanently. I can't wait to hear from you guys soon. Kindest regards Gülperi Görgülü 1. Kayseri Industrial Zoneline 43. Street No. 13/A Karpuzsekisi Hacılar Postal Code : 38070 KAYSERI , TURKEY Phone : 00 90 552 890 07 89 Mobile : 00 90 552 890 0789 E-mail: & &
Großhandel Boden Couch Sofa Set Möbel Schnitt Liege Wohnzimmermöbel

Großhandel Boden Couch Sofa Set Möbel Schnitt Liege Wohnzimmermöbel

Dear We are one of the largest suppliers of Beds, Chairs, Garden furniture, Restaurant furniture, cafe furniture,Furniture, Sofas, Office furniture,Bed Parts, Sleeping Products, Contract Goods in Turkey. we export to more than 70 countries. We would like to get to know you more closely and to continue our cooperation permanently. I can't wait to hear from you guys soon. Kindest regards Gülperi Görgülü 1. Kayseri Industrial Zoneline 43. Street No. 13/A Karpuzsekisi Hacılar Postal Code : 38070 KAYSERI , TURKEY Phone : 00 90 552 890 07 89 Mobile : 00 90 552 890 0789 E-mail: & &
Neues Entwurfs-Wohnzimmer-Schnitthausmöbel-modernes Samt-büscheliges Gewebe-Sofa

Neues Entwurfs-Wohnzimmer-Schnitthausmöbel-modernes Samt-büscheliges Gewebe-Sofa

Neues Entwurfs-Wohnzimmer-Schnitthausmöbel-modernes Samt-büscheliges Gewebe-Sofa
Modernes Stoff-Schnittsofa, Couch, Wohnzimmer, Sofas, Set für Zuhause

Modernes Stoff-Schnittsofa, Couch, Wohnzimmer, Sofas, Set für Zuhause

We are one of the largest suppliers of Beds, Chairs, Garden furniture, Restaurant furniture, cafe furniture,Furniture, Sofas, Office furniture,Bed Parts, Sleeping Products, Contract Goods in Turkey. we export to more than 70 countries. We would like to get to know you more closely and to continue our cooperation permanently. I can't wait to hear from you guys soon. Kindest regards Gülperi Görgülü 1. Kayseri Industrial Zoneline 43. Street No. 13/A Karpuzsekisi Hacılar Postal Code : 38070 KAYSERI , TURKEY Phone : 00 90 552 890 07 89 Mobile : 00 90 552 890 0789 E-mail: & &
2022 Neuankömmling Moderne Designs Leinen Stoff Schnittsofa Wohnzimmermöbel

2022 Neuankömmling Moderne Designs Leinen Stoff Schnittsofa Wohnzimmermöbel

We are one of the largest suppliers of Beds, Chairs, Garden furniture, Restaurant furniture, cafe furniture,Furniture, Sofas, Office furniture,Bed Parts, Sleeping Products, Contract Goods in Turkey. we export to more than 70 countries. We would like to get to know you more closely and to continue our cooperation permanently. I can't wait to hear from you guys soon. Kindest regards Gülperi Görgülü 1. Kayseri Industrial Zoneline 43. Street No. 13/A Karpuzsekisi Hacılar Postal Code : 38070 KAYSERI , TURKEY Phone : 00 90 552 890 07 89 Mobile : 00 90 552 890 0789 E-mail: & &
Luxus Chesterfield Samt 3 Sitzer Polsterung Wohnzimmer Schnitt

Luxus Chesterfield Samt 3 Sitzer Polsterung Wohnzimmer Schnitt

We are one of the largest suppliers of Beds, Chairs, Garden furniture, Restaurant furniture, cafe furniture,Furniture, Sofas, Office furniture,Bed Parts, Sleeping Products, Contract Goods in Turkey. we export to more than 70 countries. We would like to get to know you more closely and to continue our cooperation permanently. I can't wait to hear from you guys soon. Kindest regards Gülperi Görgülü 1. Kayseri Industrial Zoneline 43. Street No. 13/A Karpuzsekisi Hacılar Postal Code : 38070 KAYSERI , TURKEY Phone : 00 90 552 890 07 89 Mobile : 00 90 552 890 0789 E-mail: & &
Wohnzimmer Sofas Großhandel Möbel Home Schnitt Modern

Wohnzimmer Sofas Großhandel Möbel Home Schnitt Modern

We are one of the largest suppliers of Beds, Chairs, Garden furniture, Restaurant furniture, cafe furniture,Furniture, Sofas, Office furniture,Bed Parts, Sleeping Products, Contract Goods in Turkey. we export to more than 70 countries. We would like to get to know you more closely and to continue our cooperation permanently. I can't wait to hear from you guys soon. Kindest regards Gülperi Görgülü 1. Kayseri Industrial Zoneline 43. Street No. 13/A Karpuzsekisi Hacılar Postal Code : 38070 KAYSERI , TURKEY Phone : 00 90 552 890 07 89 Mobile : 00 90 552 890 0789 E-mail: & &
Sofa Room Sofas Linsy Nordic Style Couch Moderne Schnitt Stoff Home Sofa Set Zeitgenössisch

Sofa Room Sofas Linsy Nordic Style Couch Moderne Schnitt Stoff Home Sofa Set Zeitgenössisch

We are one of the largest suppliers of Beds, Chairs, Garden furniture, Restaurant furniture, cafe furniture,Furniture, Sofas, Office furniture,Bed Parts, Sleeping Products, Contract Goods in Turkey. we export to more than 70 countries. We would like to get to know you more closely and to continue our cooperation permanently. I can't wait to hear from you guys soon. Kindest regards Gülperi Görgülü 1. Kayseri Industrial Zoneline 43. Street No. 13/A Karpuzsekisi Hacılar Postal Code : 38070 KAYSERI , TURKEY Phone : 00 90 552 890 07 89 Mobile : 00 90 552 890 0789 E-mail: & &
Heißer Verkauf Western Style Schnitt Stoff Set U Form Ecksofa

Heißer Verkauf Western Style Schnitt Stoff Set U Form Ecksofa

We are one of the largest suppliers of Beds, Chairs, Garden furniture, Restaurant furniture, cafe furniture,Furniture, Sofas, Office furniture,Bed Parts, Sleeping Products, Contract Goods in Turkey. we export to more than 70 countries. We would like to get to know you more closely and to continue our cooperation permanently. I can't wait to hear from you guys soon. Kindest regards Gülperi Görgülü 1. Kayseri Industrial Zoneline 43. Street No. 13/A Karpuzsekisi Hacılar Postal Code : 38070 KAYSERI , TURKEY Phone : 00 90 552 890 07 89 Mobile : 00 90 552 890 0789 E-mail: & &
Fabrikpreis Home Luxus Wohnzimmer Schnittmöbel Royal French Style Sofa Sets

Fabrikpreis Home Luxus Wohnzimmer Schnittmöbel Royal French Style Sofa Sets

We are one of the largest suppliers of Beds, Chairs, Garden furniture, Restaurant furniture, cafe furniture,Furniture, Sofas, Office furniture,Bed Parts, Sleeping Products, Contract Goods in Turkey. we export to more than 70 countries. We would like to get to know you more closely and to continue our cooperation permanently. I can't wait to hear from you guys soon. Kindest regards Gülperi Görgülü 1. Kayseri Industrial Zoneline 43. Street No. 13/A Karpuzsekisi Hacılar Postal Code : 38070 KAYSERI , TURKEY Phone : 00 90 552 890 07 89 Mobile : 00 90 552 890 0789 E-mail: & &
Luxus Italien Entworfen Gut Verkaufen Home Style Schnitt Stoff Sofa Wohnzimmer Möbel Sofas Set

Luxus Italien Entworfen Gut Verkaufen Home Style Schnitt Stoff Sofa Wohnzimmer Möbel Sofas Set

We are one of the largest suppliers of Beds, Chairs, Garden furniture, Restaurant furniture, cafe furniture,Furniture, Sofas, Office furniture,Bed Parts, Sleeping Products, Contract Goods in Turkey. we export to more than 70 countries. We would like to get to know you more closely and to continue our cooperation permanently. I can't wait to hear from you guys soon. Kindest regards Gülperi Görgülü 1. Kayseri Industrial Zoneline 43. Street No. 13/A Karpuzsekisi Hacılar Postal Code : 38070 KAYSERI , TURKEY Phone : 00 90 552 890 07 89 Mobile : 00 90 552 890 0789 E-mail: & &
Luxus Italien Entworfen Gut Verkaufen Home Style Schnitt Stoff Sofa Wohnzimmer Möbel Sofas Set

Luxus Italien Entworfen Gut Verkaufen Home Style Schnitt Stoff Sofa Wohnzimmer Möbel Sofas Set

We are one of the largest suppliers of Beds, Chairs, Garden furniture, Restaurant furniture, cafe furniture,Furniture, Sofas, Office furniture,Bed Parts, Sleeping Products, Contract Goods in Turkey. we export to more than 70 countries. We would like to get to know you more closely and to continue our cooperation permanently. I can't wait to hear from you guys soon. Kindest regards Gülperi Görgülü 1. Kayseri Industrial Zoneline 43. Street No. 13/A Karpuzsekisi Hacılar Postal Code : 38070 KAYSERI , TURKEY Phone : 00 90 552 890 07 89 Mobile : 00 90 552 890 0789 E-mail: & &
Modernes modulares Sofa Salon Stoff Schnitt L Couch Wohnzimmer Sofas Set Wohnmöbel

Modernes modulares Sofa Salon Stoff Schnitt L Couch Wohnzimmer Sofas Set Wohnmöbel

We are one of the largest suppliers of Beds, Chairs, Garden furniture, Restaurant furniture, cafe furniture,Furniture, Sofas, Office furniture,Bed Parts, Sleeping Products, Contract Goods in Turkey. we export to more than 70 countries. We would like to get to know you more closely and to continue our cooperation permanently. I can't wait to hear from you guys soon. Kindest regards Gülperi Görgülü 1. Kayseri Industrial Zoneline 43. Street No. 13/A Karpuzsekisi Hacılar Postal Code : 38070 KAYSERI , TURKEY Phone : 00 90 552 890 07 89 Mobile : 00 90 552 890 0789 E-mail: & &
Wohnmöbel billig Recliner Sleeper heißer Verkäufer modernes modulares Schnitt Wohnzimmer Sofa

Wohnmöbel billig Recliner Sleeper heißer Verkäufer modernes modulares Schnitt Wohnzimmer Sofa

We are one of the largest suppliers of Beds, Chairs, Garden furniture, Restaurant furniture, cafe furniture,Furniture, Sofas, Office furniture,Bed Parts, Sleeping Products, Contract Goods in Turkey. we export to more than 70 countries. We would like to get to know you more closely and to continue our cooperation permanently. I can't wait to hear from you guys soon. Kindest regards Gülperi Görgülü 1. Kayseri Industrial Zoneline 43. Street No. 13/A Karpuzsekisi Hacılar Postal Code : 38070 KAYSERI , TURKEY Phone : 00 90 552 890 07 89 Mobile : 00 90 552 890 0789 E-mail: & &
Modernes Luxus-Wohnzimmer-Sofa nach Hause Chesterfield-Sofa-Design-Schnittledercouch Wohnzimmer-Sofa-Set-Möbel

Modernes Luxus-Wohnzimmer-Sofa nach Hause Chesterfield-Sofa-Design-Schnittledercouch Wohnzimmer-Sofa-Set-Möbel

We are one of the largest suppliers of Beds, Chairs, Garden furniture, Restaurant furniture, cafe furniture,Furniture, Sofas, Office furniture,Bed Parts, Sleeping Products, Contract Goods in Turkey. we export to more than 70 countries. We would like to get to know you more closely and to continue our cooperation permanently. I can't wait to hear from you guys soon. Kindest regards Gülperi Görgülü 1. Kayseri Industrial Zoneline 43. Street No. 13/A Karpuzsekisi Hacılar Postal Code : 38070 KAYSERI , TURKEY Phone : 00 90 552 890 07 89 Mobile : 00 90 552 890 0789 E-mail: & &