Finden Sie schnell stofftasche für Ihr Unternehmen: 20 Ergebnisse

GOTS Baumwolltasche / Stofftasche / Einkaufstasche / Tragetasche / Jutebeutel

GOTS Baumwolltasche / Stofftasche / Einkaufstasche / Tragetasche / Jutebeutel

BAUMWOLLTASCHE AUS BIO BAUMWOLLE. GOTS + FAIRTRADE + OEKO-TEX + BSCI zertifiziert. Ab 1.000 Stück als individuelle Sonderanfertigung. In Ihrem Wunschdesign, mit Ihrem Logo, in Ihrer Pantone Farbe. FAIRTRADE BAUMWOLLTASCHE AUS BIO BAUMWOLLE - GOTS ZERTIFIZIERT Einkaufstaschen aus 100% Biobaumwolle. GOTS, FAIRTRADE OEKO-TEX® Standard 100 und BSCI zertifiziert. Ökologisch, nachhaltig & fair hergestellt. Ab 1.000 Stück als individuelle Sonderanfertigung. In Ihrem Wunschdesign, mit Ihrem Logo, in Ihrer Pantone Farbe. Henkel: Nach Kundenvorgabe Logo: 1-4C Druck, ein- oder beidseitig Form & Bauweise A: Flach / Ohne zusätzliche Boden- und Seitenfalte Form & Bauweise B: 2 Dimensionen / Mit zusätzlicher Bodenfalte Form & Bauweise C: 3 Dimensionen / Mit zusätzlicher Bodenfalte und Seitenfalten Form & Bauweise Individuell: Wunschform / Form nach Kundenvorgabe Grammatur: Nach Kundenvorgabe Größe: Wunschgröße / Abmessungen nach Kundenvorgabe
Stoffbeutel ,Kleidersack, Einkaufstasche ,Strandtasche

Stoffbeutel ,Kleidersack, Einkaufstasche ,Strandtasche

We are a brand established by Mcs textile company, which produces bags in Denizli. We produce all our products ourselves, we are the manufacturer. The aim of our brand is to produce sustainable products for a greener tomorrow. We believe that we can create a cleaner world by using natural resources sparingly and without harming the nature of our world. Colors and cotton brand is a brand that has adopted sustainability as a principle. We produce environmentally friendly bags with sustainable materials. We are with you with sustainable products to leave a healthy planet for future generations. We are the last generation to be the first to feel the effects of climate change and do something about it. Colors and Cotton is here to support our planet with sustainable, eco-friendly products and services.


Filztaschen sind nicht nur Taschen für kalte Tage, sondern Alternative zu allem bisher Bekannten. Hergestellt aus 220g PE-Filz, sind sie ein hochwertig verarbeitete Werbemittel für besondere Anlässe. Filztaschen Shopper Diese besonderen Tragetasche bietet eine Alternative zu allen herkömmlichen Tragetaschen. Hergestellt aus 220g PE-Filz, ist sie hochwertig verarbeitet mit genähten aufgedoppelten Kanten, Randumschlag, einer starken Bodeneinlage aus Polypropylen, Seitenfalte und Metalldruckknopf zum Verschließen. Filztaschen bieten viel Komfort und sind als Langzeit-Werbeträger konzipiert. Ein- oder beidseitig bedruckt mit Ihrem Firmenlogo hinterlässt diese Tasche einen bleibenden Eindruck. Die Henkel sind, je nach Taschengröße, 30 bzw 60 cm lang, 2,5 cm breit und sehr angenehm zu tragen. Weitere Größen 27x10x20 cm; weitere Modelle: tote Bags, Umhängetaschen Gegen alten Filz helfen nur neue Taschen PP-BodenWir bieten die Farben Schwarz, Dunkelgrau, Hellgrau, Blau, Orangerot und Dunkelrot in den gängigen Größen 27x10x20 cm und 45x15x33 cm. Beide Taschen sind querformatig. Lassen Sie die Taschen im Siebdruck 1- oder 2-seitig mit Ihrem Logo bedrucken und Sie haben einen unverwechselbaren Werbeträger mit hoher Akzeptanz. Die Lieferzeit beträgt ca 14 Tage nach Druckfreigabe und ist damit sehr kurz. Die Mindestabnahme von 200 Stück kommt ebenfalls vielen Kundenwünschen entgegen. Unbedruckt können diese Taschen schon ab einer Verpackungseinheit von 50 Stück bestellt werden. Wenn Sie eine individuelle Größe, Farbe oder Fertigung wünschen, ist auch das kein Problem. Die Lieferzeit ist dann nur ein wenig länger.
Papiertragetaschen und Stoffbeutel kreativ gestalten

Papiertragetaschen und Stoffbeutel kreativ gestalten

ALS PRAKTISCHE UND UMWELTFREUNDLICHE LÖSUNG Wir verwenden ausschließlich hochwertige Grundstoffe, kräftige Farben und moderne Druckverfahren für ein optimales Ergebnis. So ist dafür gesorgt, dass Schriftzüge, Logos und Bilder auf der Tragetasche lange und in hoher Qualität sichtbar bleiben. Sie haben die Wahl zwischen verschiedenen Größen, Formen und Grundfarben. Auch diese drei Elemente haben eine nicht zu unterschätzende Marketingwirkung, da sie für einen Wiedererkennungseffekt sorgen. Die Tragetaschen von Levi Pack kombinieren Farbgebung, Schriften, Logos und Muster zu einer stimmigen Einheit, die eine gute Signalwirkung erzielt. Material- und Druckqualität sind so beschaffen, dass die Tüten lang anhaltend gegen Abrieb und Ausbleichen geschützt sind. Die Taschen bieten viel Platz im Inneren und verfügen über einen verstärkten und reißfesten Boden. Zudem können die Papiertragetaschen mit speziellen Veredlungsverfahren wie Celofanierung, Reliefprägung oder Matt- und Glanzplastifizierung optisch und haptisch aufgewertet werden. So werden Ihre Papiertragetaschen zu einem echten Blickfang.


Passgenaue Schutzverpackungslösung direkt am Packplatz. Produkte Flexible Schutzverpackung Schaumpolster FOAMplus® HEISST, PASSGENAU UND FEDERLEICHT ZU VERPACKEN. Hochwertige Schutzverpackungen, die sich den Produktkonturen anpassen und allen Erschütterungen trotzen – das sind die FOAMplus® Schaumpolster von Storopack. Ob schweres, scharfkantiges oder besonders empfindliches Transportgut, FOAMplus® umschließt, fixiert und schützt es zuverlässig. Der hochwertige Verpackungsschaum aus expandiertem Polyurethan ist widerstandsfähig und robust und spart dank seines geringen Gewichts Transportkosten. Mit den FOAMplus® Schaumpolstersystemen Bag Packer³ Hand Packer² lässt sich die Schutzverpackung direkt am Packplatz herstellen. Während sich der Schaum ausdehnt, passt er sich den Konturen des Produkts an und legt sich unmittelbar um die Produkte. FOAMplus® ist in verschiedenen Härtegraden erhältlich, je nach Gewicht und Zerbrechlichkeit des Produkts. Die Schaumpolster aus Polyurethan bieten eine „On demand“ Verpackungslösung, die bei Mischen der beiden Komponenten bis zum 250-Fachen ihres Flüssigkeitsvolumens expandiert, sodass keine großen Lagerbereiche für vorgefertigte Verpackungen mehr benötigt werden.
GOTS Baumwolltasche / Stofftasche / Einkaufstasche / Tragetasche / Jutebeutel

GOTS Baumwolltasche / Stofftasche / Einkaufstasche / Tragetasche / Jutebeutel

BAUMWOLLTASCHE AUS BIO BAUMWOLLE. GOTS + FAIRTRADE + OEKO-TEX + BSCI zertifiziert. Ab 1.000 Stück als individuelle Sonderanfertigung. In Ihrem Wunschdesign, mit Ihrem Logo, in Ihrer Pantone Farbe. FAIRTRADE BAUMWOLLTASCHE AUS BIO BAUMWOLLE - GOTS ZERTIFIZIERT Einkaufstaschen aus 100% Biobaumwolle. GOTS, FAIRTRADE OEKO-TEX® Standard 100 und BSCI zertifiziert. Ökologisch, nachhaltig & fair hergestellt. Ab 1.000 Stück als individuelle Sonderanfertigung. In Ihrem Wunschdesign, mit Ihrem Logo, in Ihrer Pantone Farbe. Henkel: Nach Kundenvorgabe Logo: 1-4C Druck, ein- oder beidseitig Form & Bauweise A: Flach / Ohne zusätzliche Boden- und Seitenfalte Form & Bauweise B: 2 Dimensionen / Mit zusätzlicher Bodenfalte Form & Bauweise C: 3 Dimensionen / Mit zusätzlicher Bodenfalte und Seitenfalten Form & Bauweise Individuell: Wunschform / Form nach Kundenvorgabe Grammatur: Nach Kundenvorgabe Größe: Small / ca. 20*25 cm
Stoffbeutel ,Kleidersack, Einkaufstasche ,Strandtasche

Stoffbeutel ,Kleidersack, Einkaufstasche ,Strandtasche

We are a brand established by Mcs textile company, which produces bags in Denizli. We produce all our products ourselves, we are the manufacturer. The aim of our brand is to produce sustainable products for a greener tomorrow. We believe that we can create a cleaner world by using natural resources sparingly and without harming the nature of our world. Colors and cotton brand is a brand that has adopted sustainability as a principle. We produce environmentally friendly bags with sustainable materials. We are with you with sustainable products to leave a healthy planet for future generations. We are the last generation to be the first to feel the effects of climate change and do something about it. Colors and Cotton is here to support our planet with sustainable, eco-friendly products and services.
Stoffbeutel ,Kleidersack, Einkaufstasche ,Strandtasche

Stoffbeutel ,Kleidersack, Einkaufstasche ,Strandtasche

We are a brand established by Mcs textile company, which produces bags in Denizli. We produce all our products ourselves, we are the manufacturer. The aim of our brand is to produce sustainable products for a greener tomorrow. We believe that we can create a cleaner world by using natural resources sparingly and without harming the nature of our world. Colors and cotton brand is a brand that has adopted sustainability as a principle. We produce environmentally friendly bags with sustainable materials. We are with you with sustainable products to leave a healthy planet for future generations. We are the last generation to be the first to feel the effects of climate change and do something about it. Colors and Cotton is here to support our planet with sustainable, eco-friendly products and services.
Stoffbeutel ,Kleidersack, Einkaufstasche ,Strandtasche

Stoffbeutel ,Kleidersack, Einkaufstasche ,Strandtasche

We are a brand established by Mcs textile company, which produces bags in Denizli. We produce all our products ourselves, we are the manufacturer. The aim of our brand is to produce sustainable products for a greener tomorrow. We believe that we can create a cleaner world by using natural resources sparingly and without harming the nature of our world. Colors and cotton brand is a brand that has adopted sustainability as a principle. We produce environmentally friendly bags with sustainable materials. We are with you with sustainable products to leave a healthy planet for future generations. We are the last generation to be the first to feel the effects of climate change and do something about it. Colors and Cotton is here to support our planet with sustainable, eco-friendly products and services.
Stoffbeutel ,Kleidersack, Einkaufstasche ,Strandtasche

Stoffbeutel ,Kleidersack, Einkaufstasche ,Strandtasche

We are a brand established by Mcs textile company, which produces bags in Denizli. We produce all our products ourselves, we are the manufacturer. The aim of our brand is to produce sustainable products for a greener tomorrow. We believe that we can create a cleaner world by using natural resources sparingly and without harming the nature of our world. Colors and cotton brand is a brand that has adopted sustainability as a principle. We produce environmentally friendly bags with sustainable materials. We are with you with sustainable products to leave a healthy planet for future generations. We are the last generation to be the first to feel the effects of climate change and do something about it. Colors and Cotton is here to support our planet with sustainable, eco-friendly products and services.
Stoffbeutel ,Kleidersack, Einkaufstasche ,Strandtasche

Stoffbeutel ,Kleidersack, Einkaufstasche ,Strandtasche

We are a brand established by Mcs textile company, which produces bags in Denizli. We produce all our products ourselves, we are the manufacturer. The aim of our brand is to produce sustainable products for a greener tomorrow. We believe that we can create a cleaner world by using natural resources sparingly and without harming the nature of our world. Colors and cotton brand is a brand that has adopted sustainability as a principle. We produce environmentally friendly bags with sustainable materials. We are with you with sustainable products to leave a healthy planet for future generations. We are the last generation to be the first to feel the effects of climate change and do something about it. Colors and Cotton is here to support our planet with sustainable, eco-friendly products and services.
Stoffbeutel ,Kleidersack, Einkaufstasche ,Strandtasche

Stoffbeutel ,Kleidersack, Einkaufstasche ,Strandtasche

We are a brand established by Mcs textile company, which produces bags in Denizli. We produce all our products ourselves, we are the manufacturer. The aim of our brand is to produce sustainable products for a greener tomorrow. We believe that we can create a cleaner world by using natural resources sparingly and without harming the nature of our world. Colors and cotton brand is a brand that has adopted sustainability as a principle. We produce environmentally friendly bags with sustainable materials. We are with you with sustainable products to leave a healthy planet for future generations. We are the last generation to be the first to feel the effects of climate change and do something about it. Colors and Cotton is here to support our planet with sustainable, eco-friendly products and services.
Stoffbeutel ,Kleidersack, Einkaufstasche ,Strandtasche

Stoffbeutel ,Kleidersack, Einkaufstasche ,Strandtasche

We are a brand established by Mcs textile company, which produces bags in Denizli. We produce all our products ourselves, we are the manufacturer. The aim of our brand is to produce sustainable products for a greener tomorrow. We believe that we can create a cleaner world by using natural resources sparingly and without harming the nature of our world. Colors and cotton brand is a brand that has adopted sustainability as a principle. We produce environmentally friendly bags with sustainable materials. We are with you with sustainable products to leave a healthy planet for future generations. We are the last generation to be the first to feel the effects of climate change and do something about it. Colors and Cotton is here to support our planet with sustainable, eco-friendly products and services.
Stoffbeutel ,Kleidersack, Einkaufstasche ,Strandtasche

Stoffbeutel ,Kleidersack, Einkaufstasche ,Strandtasche

We are a brand established by Mcs textile company, which produces bags in Denizli. We produce all our products ourselves, we are the manufacturer. The aim of our brand is to produce sustainable products for a greener tomorrow. We believe that we can create a cleaner world by using natural resources sparingly and without harming the nature of our world. Colors and cotton brand is a brand that has adopted sustainability as a principle. We produce environmentally friendly bags with sustainable materials. We are with you with sustainable products to leave a healthy planet for future generations. We are the last generation to be the first to feel the effects of climate change and do something about it. Colors and Cotton is here to support our planet with sustainable, eco-friendly products and services.
Stoffbeutel ,Kleidersack, Einkaufstasche ,Strandtasche

Stoffbeutel ,Kleidersack, Einkaufstasche ,Strandtasche

We are a brand established by Mcs textile company, which produces bags in Denizli. We produce all our products ourselves, we are the manufacturer. The aim of our brand is to produce sustainable products for a greener tomorrow. We believe that we can create a cleaner world by using natural resources sparingly and without harming the nature of our world. Colors and cotton brand is a brand that has adopted sustainability as a principle. We produce environmentally friendly bags with sustainable materials. We are with you with sustainable products to leave a healthy planet for future generations. We are the last generation to be the first to feel the effects of climate change and do something about it. Colors and Cotton is here to support our planet with sustainable, eco-friendly products and services.
Stoffbeutel ,Kleidersack, Einkaufstasche ,Strandtasche

Stoffbeutel ,Kleidersack, Einkaufstasche ,Strandtasche

We are a brand established by Mcs textile company, which produces bags in Denizli. We produce all our products ourselves, we are the manufacturer. The aim of our brand is to produce sustainable products for a greener tomorrow. We believe that we can create a cleaner world by using natural resources sparingly and without harming the nature of our world. Colors and cotton brand is a brand that has adopted sustainability as a principle. We produce environmentally friendly bags with sustainable materials. We are with you with sustainable products to leave a healthy planet for future generations. We are the last generation to be the first to feel the effects of climate change and do something about it. Colors and Cotton is here to support our planet with sustainable, eco-friendly products and services.
Stoffbeutel ,Kleidersack, Einkaufstasche ,Strandtasche

Stoffbeutel ,Kleidersack, Einkaufstasche ,Strandtasche

We are a brand established by Mcs textile company, which produces bags in Denizli. We produce all our products ourselves, we are the manufacturer. The aim of our brand is to produce sustainable products for a greener tomorrow. We believe that we can create a cleaner world by using natural resources sparingly and without harming the nature of our world. Colors and cotton brand is a brand that has adopted sustainability as a principle. We produce environmentally friendly bags with sustainable materials. We are with you with sustainable products to leave a healthy planet for future generations. We are the last generation to be the first to feel the effects of climate change and do something about it. Colors and Cotton is here to support our planet with sustainable, eco-friendly products and services.
Stoffbeutel ,Kleidersack, Einkaufstasche ,Strandtasche

Stoffbeutel ,Kleidersack, Einkaufstasche ,Strandtasche

We are a brand established by Mcs textile company, which produces bags in Denizli. We produce all our products ourselves, we are the manufacturer. The aim of our brand is to produce sustainable products for a greener tomorrow. We believe that we can create a cleaner world by using natural resources sparingly and without harming the nature of our world. Colors and cotton brand is a brand that has adopted sustainability as a principle. We produce environmentally friendly bags with sustainable materials. We are with you with sustainable products to leave a healthy planet for future generations. We are the last generation to be the first to feel the effects of climate change and do something about it. Colors and Cotton is here to support our planet with sustainable, eco-friendly products and services.
Stoffbeutel ,Kleidersack, Einkaufstasche ,Strandtasche

Stoffbeutel ,Kleidersack, Einkaufstasche ,Strandtasche

we can produce our bags in the size, size and quantity you want. We can also produce the models you want. We can also produce printed and unprinted bags, shopping bags, beach bags. Colors and Cotto We are a brand established by Mcs textile company, which produces bags in Denizli. We produce all our products ourselves, we are manufacturers. The aim of our brand is to produce sustainable products for a greener tomorrow. We believe that we can create a cleaner world by using natural resources sparingly and without harming the nature of our world. Colors and cotton brand is a brand that has adopted sustainability as a principle. We produce environmentally friendly bags with sustainable materials. We are with you with sustainable products to leave a healthy world to future generations. We are the last generation to be the first to feel the effects of climate change and to do something about it. Colors and Cotton is here to support our planet with sustainable, environmentally friendly products and services. You can contact us today to learn more about our products and our brand.
Stoffbeutel ,Kleidersack, Einkaufstasche ,Strandtasche

Stoffbeutel ,Kleidersack, Einkaufstasche ,Strandtasche

We produce all our products ourselves, we are manufacturers. We can produce printed and unprinted bags, shopping bags Colors and Cotton We are a brand established by Mcs textile company, which produces bags in Denizli. We produce all our products ourselves, we are manufacturers. The aim of our brand is to produce sustainable products for a greener tomorrow. We believe that we can create a cleaner world by using natural resources sparingly and without harming the nature of our world. Colors and cotton brand is a brand that has adopted sustainability as a principle. We produce environmentally friendly bags with sustainable materials. We are with you with sustainable products to leave a healthy world to future generations. We are the last generation to be the first to feel the effects of climate change and to do something about it. Colors and Cotton is here to support our planet with sustainable, environmentally friendly products and services. You can contact us today to learn more about our products and our brand.