Finden Sie schnell testem für Ihr Unternehmen: 57 Ergebnisse



Die Prüfung von Gasflaschen erfolgt nach dem Gefahrguttransportrecht (ADR/RID) in der jeweils gültigen Fassung. Nationale und EU-Richtlinien werden konsequent angewandt und weiterentwickelt. Die heute als Standard etablierte Ultraschallprüfung sichert die maximal mögliche Aussagekraft über den Zustand und die weitere Verwendung von Gasflaschen. Der gesamte Flaschenkörper wird mittels Prüfsensoren automatisiert abgefahren und nach Außen- und Innenfehlern sowie Wandstärkenunterschreitungen im Material untersucht. Außerdem setzen wir die Wasserdruckprüfung ein, bei der die Flaschen einem exakt ausgelegten Prüfdruck ausgesetzt werden. Ergänzend kommen die Wirbelstromprüfung zur Detektierung von Rissen und die Härteprüfung zur Feststellung der Materialhärten zum Einsatz. Unser Prüfportfolio umfasst u. a.: Gasflaschen/Flaschenbündel aus dem technischen, dem medizinischen und dem Lebensmittelbereich sowie dem Bereich Spezialgase Tuben/Großflaschen Kleinflaschen für Getränkeautomaten
Tests und Überprüfungen

Tests und Überprüfungen

Ist die Platine fertig bestückt und gelötet, so kann gerne ein erster Start der Elektronik vorgenommen und ein PowerUP-Test durchgeführt werden. Ein Typisches Testszenarien ist die Überprüfung aller Ein- und Ausgänge nach einer vorgegeben Prüfanweisung. Dabei können vordefinierte Testszenarien definiert und geprüft werden. Eine Prüfanweisung sowie einen geeigneten Mess- und Prüfaufbau entwickeln wir gerne mit Ihnen gemeinsam. Flash-Programmierung Sind Microcontroller verbaut, so übertragen wir gerne eine HEX File oder kompilieren den Source Code auf den EEPROM des Microcontrollers. Dies kann vor oder nach dem Bestücken gemacht werden. Bei einer Programmierung vor dem Bestücken kann bei einer Serie die Anschlüsse für den Programmer auf der Platine weggelassen werden. Überprüfung der Bauteiltoleranzen Wünschen Sie eine Überprüfung der Bauteiltoleranz oder wollen Sie diese noch enger ziehen, so überprüfen wir gerne für Sie jedes einzelne Bauteil. Typische zu messende Bauteiltoleranzen sind die Durchbruchspannungen von Zenerdioden oder Spannungen von Linearreglern bei geringer Belastung. Lifecyclemanagement Das Produkt am Ende der Wertschöpfungskette, hat in der Regel eine längere Lebenszeit als der Produktionszeitraum der einzelnen Bauteile auf der Platine. Werden Bauteile nicht mehr produziert, so müssen diese meist aufwendig ersetzt und Platinen redesigned werden. Durch eine Vorauswahl von Bauteilen können solche Probleme bis zu einem gewissen Grad umgangen werden und so für alle benötigten Produktkomponenten während der gesamten Produktlebensdauer gesorgt werden. Wir beraten Sie gerne über die Verfügbarkeit und den Produktionszeitraum von Bauteilen, damit Sie die Lieferfähigkeit Ihrer Produkte garantieren können.
KV30-40D MK3 Test System

KV30-40D MK3 Test System

The output voltage and current are metered by large, accurate true RMS digital meters 0-30kV output voltage 1.2kVA output capability Key operated supply switch to prevent unauthorised operation Dual overload protection Variable electronic trip – 10-110% of rated output Test timer Voltage and current metering Zero-volt interlock External 24Vdc interlock circuit Visual indication of test piece failure The KV30-40D MK3 Test System is a high voltage general purpose test instrument designed for testing insulation systems and the measurement of breakdown voltage on electrical plant and components. The unit has an output voltage variable from zero to 30kV with accurate metering on both the output voltage and current. A zero-voltage interlock is provided, ensuring that the output may only be energised with the voltage control at zero. The output voltage and current are metered by large, accurate true RMS digital meters. The meters are backlit and have a digit height of 19mm. The test object and output are protected by an adjustable current trip. The trip level may be set to 10-110% of the rated output in 10% steps. Breakdown of the test object is visibly indicated. The unit must be manually reset after a trip condition before testing can be resumed. A pre-selectable test timer is provided for timed tests of 5, 10, 15, 20, 30 seconds, 1, 2, 3 or 5 minutes. An alarm sounds when the test time has ended. The units feature automatic mains voltage selection and an external 24Vdc interlock circuit for connection of emergency off switches and enclosure interlocks. WEIGHT 42 kg DIMENSIONS 300 × 400 × 470 mm SUPPLIED ACCESSORIES ES30 earthing stick Supply lead Spare fuse set Operating manual Earth lead


Die Instandsetzung oder Modernisierung eines Bauwerkes erfordert vor dem Beginn der handwerklichen Tätigkeit eine gründliche Untersuchung der vorhandenen Bausubstanz. Auf dieser Basis erfolgt eine fachgerechte Planung der Sanierung. Ohne sachgerechte Diagnose, keine fachgerechte Sanierung! Oft führen Fehleinschätzungen der vorhandenen Bausubstanz und der möglichen Schadensursachen dazu, dass die Baumaßnahmen nicht zum gewünschten Erfolg führen bzw. nur kurzfristig ein Effekt sichtbar ist. Das erfordert erneut Maßnahmen zur Mauerwerksinstandsetzung und verursacht somit unnötige Kosten. Mit Hilfe hochwertiger Messgerätetechnik lässt sich zuverlässig die vorhandene Bausubstanz beurteilen. Schwachstellen können frühzeitig erkannt werden - sogar bevor Schäden am Bauwerk sichtbar werden. Wir beraten Sie gern mit einer detaillierten Diagnose, die vom Keller bis zum Dach alle Schwachstellen analysiert. Gründliche Bauwerksdiagnostik für eine sorgfältige Arbeit Wollen Sie Ihr Bauwerk modernisieren oder sanieren, ist das Bauunternehmen Tebinka ein hervorragender Ansprechpartner. Denn die Baufirma in Birkenwerder führt vor jeder Instandsetzung eine fachgerechte und ganzheitliche Bauwerksdiagnose durch. Dadurch können mögliche Schäden in der Bausubstanz zuverlässig herausgefunden und sämtliche Sanierungsarbeiten sachgerecht geplant werden. Die Maßnahmen für eine Bauwerksdiagnostik können von den erfahrenen Profis dank moderner Technik und fundiertem Fachwissen optimal vorgenommen werden. Ob Keller, Dachboden oder Wohnung, der Baubetrieb Tebinka erkennt Schwachstellen frühzeitig, damit Sie eine Modernisierung sorglos in Auftrag geben können. Lassen Sie sich jetzt beraten.
Potsdam Propeller Test Case PPTC

Potsdam Propeller Test Case PPTC

Die SVA Potsdam hat verschiedene Daten zum Thema Propellerströmung veröffentlicht. Das Angebot richtet sich an Universitäten, Forschungsgruppen und Unternehmen, die auf diesem Gebiet tätig sind. Der Hauptteil der Daten stammt aus dem "Potsdam Propeller Test Case (PPTC)" - Untersuchungen an einem Verstellpropeller - die dann auf den Propeller Workshops auf der smp'11 und smp'15 verwendet wurden. Außerdem stehen Daten zu einem unkonventionellen ‚tip rake‘ Propeller zur Verfügung. Diese Daten stammen aus einem Benchmark der ITTC. Die Daten stehen frei zum Download und zur weiteren Verwendung zur Verfügung. Wir möchten aber darum bitten, die SVA immer als Urheber dieser Daten zu benennen. Bis jetzt sind folgende Daten veröffentlicht: - smp11 Propeller Workshop - ITTC Benchmarking Test Case - Impact of Water Quality on Cavitation Behaviour - smp15 Propeller Workshop - PPTC - Update on Cavitation - VP1304 vs. P1790 Wir hoffen, dass wir Interesse erwecken konnten und dass die Daten auf fruchtbaren Boden fallen und Sie sie in Ihrer Arbeit verwenden können. Wir beabsichtigen, im Laufe der Zeit weitere Beiträge zum Thema Propeller auf dieser Seite einzustellen. Bitte schauen Sie gelegentlich wieder vorbei für ein Update dieser Veröffentlichungen.


Alle technischen Branchen nutzen Testen und Messen als Instrumente des Erkenntnisgewinns. Daher ist das Test- und Messwesen eine Querschnittsaufgabe, die einer eigenen fachübergreifenden Methodik folgt. Egal ob Test, Experiment oder Versuch genannt, wir bieten Ihnen ein effizientes und bewährtes Mess- und Test-Know-How, dass in jeder technischen Branche einsetzbar ist. Von der Ausgangsfrage über die benötigten Mittel bis zur Datenauswertung - wir unterstützen Sie mit unserem erprobten Wissen rund um die Methodik des Messens und Testens. Testkonzept und -planung Durchführung von Testprogrammen und Messungen Datenauswertung und -analyse
Test und Programmierung

Test und Programmierung

Maßgeschneiderte Test- und Programmierlösungen stellen eine gleichbleibende Qualität und hohe Reproduzierbarkeit sicher.
User Experience Test

User Experience Test

Leitfadengestützte Beobachtung des Anwenders beim Gebrauch eines Produktes. User Experience Tests können als UX Tests abgekürzt werden.
Corona Schnelltest REALY TECH COVID-19 (SARS-Cov-2) Antigen Nasen-Abstrich Schnelltest – Nasopharynx – 25 Test Packung

Corona Schnelltest REALY TECH COVID-19 (SARS-Cov-2) Antigen Nasen-Abstrich Schnelltest – Nasopharynx – 25 Test Packung

25 Stück Covid-19 Antikörper-Schnelltest sind in dieser Packung enthalten, Jeder Test ist individuell verpackt Inhalt: Testkits Gratisversand innerhalb Deutschland ab einem Bestellwert von 75 Euro Ergebnisse schon nach 10 – 15 Minuten Sofort lieferbar! Hohe Sensitivität mit 87,01% Spezifität, die sogar bei 98,89% liegt CE Zulassung Gelistet bei dem Bundesamt für Arzeinmittel und Medizinprodukte BfArM Hygienische Verpackung Sofort lieferbar! Für Geschäftskunden & B2B Kunden Wir liefern auch größere Bestellungen für Schulen, Kitas, Institutionen, Behörden und Firmen auf Rechnung. Zahlung auf Rechnung. Senden Sie uns Ihre Anfrage oder Bestellung per E-mail an: Anfragen und Preise für größere Bestellungen ab 1.000 Stück auf Rechnung? Kontaktieren Sie bitte unseren Geschäftskunden Service unter
Test Stripes TST-4SAE - Dampf Class 4 Indikator

Test Stripes TST-4SAE - Dampf Class 4 Indikator

134°C/3,5min oder 121°C/15min - gelb -> dunkel, Box a.250St
Laientest von FlowFlex - COVID-19 Antigen Rapid Test Self-Test  5erPack

Laientest von FlowFlex - COVID-19 Antigen Rapid Test Self-Test 5erPack

Corona-Antigen-Schnelltest zur Selbstanwendung im vorderen Nasenbereich BfArM-ID: AT1217/21 zur Selbstanwendung zugelassen CE0123 Schnelltest zur Selbstanwendung im 5er Pack einzeln zu entnehmen Zugelassen bei BfArM zur Selbsttestung
Optik Test Systeme : Steuerung der automatischen Objektiv­montage durch Roboter und aktives Ausrichten von Kamera­module

Optik Test Systeme : Steuerung der automatischen Objektiv­montage durch Roboter und aktives Ausrichten von Kamera­module

Echtzeit MTF Messung zum Test von Kamera­modulen für die automatisierte Objektiv­montage durch Robotersysteme und aktives ausrichten von Kameramodulen. Automatisierte Objektivmontage und Test von Kameramodulen: Die OEG GmbH liefert Systeme zur In-Line MTF Messung, die insbesondere für die automatisierte Objektivmontage in großen Stückzahlen geeignet sind. Aus der Abbildungsqualität (MTF) an 5 Punkten des Bildfeldes werden Steuersignale an den Montageroboter gesendet. Dies ermöglicht die Feinjustierung der Objektivbaugruppen durch den Roboter, bis die geforderte Abbildungsqualität über das gesamte Bildfeld erreicht ist.
Messung, Simulation und Tests optischer Systeme aus einer Hand

Messung, Simulation und Tests optischer Systeme aus einer Hand

Sie sind auf der Suche nach kompetenter Hilfe im Bereich optischer Geräte oder Anwendungen? Sie müssen eine spezielle optische Messung machen, haben aber weder die Geräte noch die Erfahrung noch das Personal dafür? Sie haben ein optisches Gerät, das "im wesentlichen" funktioniert, aber eben nicht richtig? Sie haben von einem optischen Messverfahren gehört, das für Ihre Kunden interessant sein könnte? Sie brauchen jemanden, der Ihre Kompetenzen um optische Expertise ergänzt? Sprechen Sie mit uns! Wir haben unterschiedlichste optische Messtechnik und die Erfahrung, damit umzugehen. Wir haben über 15 Jahre Erfahrung mit der Simulation optischer Aufbauten und der Optimierung nach unterschiedlichsten Kriterien. Wir haben zwei optische Labore , in denen wir mit Ihnen und für Sie Entwicklungsarbeiten durchführen können. Und wo unsere Kompetenzen oder unser Messequipment nicht reichen, können wir auf ein umfangreiches Netzwerk von Partnern und früheren Kunden zurückgreifen.
KV50-20D MK3 Test System

KV50-20D MK3 Test System

0-50kV output voltage 20mA maximum output current Auto-selecting 115/230V supply voltage Key operated supply switch to prevent unauthorised operation Dual overload protection Variable electronic trip Voltage and current metering External interlock circuit Zero-volt interlock Visual indication of test piece failure Cast resin HV transformer The KV50-20D Mk3 Test System is a low power portable high voltage AC test system designed for insulation testing. This system is equally suited to both development and routine testing of electrical insulation systems and plant. The equipment consists of a control unit and a separate resin cast high voltage transformer linked by a 5 metre control cable. The control unit is housed in a rugged aluminium case with a hinged, removable lid for protection. The high voltage transformer is mounted on a base with swivel castors for mobility. The control unit is fitted with a comprehensive range of facilities for control, metering and protection, including an emergency off switch. The output RMS voltage and current are displayed on digital meters. A variable electronic trip is provided, allowing the trip current to be set to 10-110% of rated output. The KV50-20D Mk3 Test System is designed to be operated with the HV transformer inside an interlock test enclosure. A connector is supplied on the control unit to connect interlock switches, extra emergency stop switches and external 24V beacons. WEIGHT 17 kg DIMENSIONS 380 × 314 × 221 mm SUPPLIED ACCESSORIES Operating manual Mains lead Spare fuse
KV50-200 MK3 Test System

KV50-200 MK3 Test System

0-50kV output voltage 5kVA output capability Key operated supply switch to prevent unauthorised operation Dual overload protection Variable electronic trip – 10-110% of rated output Voltage and current metering External interlock circuit Zero-volt interlock Visual indication of test piece failure The KV50-200 MK2 Test System is a high power, high voltage ac test set designed for insulation testing. This system is equally suited to both development and routine testing of electrical insulation systems and plant. The equipment consists of a control unit and a separate oil filled high voltage transformer, linked by 5 meter supply and control cables. The control unit is fitted with a comprehensive range of facilities for control, metering and protection. The system includes a secondary tap metering as standard to ensure accurate voltage metering. The output voltage and current are displayed on large, linear analogue instruments, and a variable electronic trip is provided, allowing the trip current to be set to 10-110% of rated output. The high voltage transformer is housed in an oil-filled steel tank fitted with swivel castors for mobility. The units use a low-discharge oil-filled bushing for the HV output. The KV50-200 MK2 Test System is equally suited to testing capacitive, resistive or inductive test objects. The output of the units are protected by variable electronic trips monitoring the output current, and a fixed over-current trip on the primary of the output transformer. The variable trip is adjustable in 10% steps between 10% and 110% of the rated output current. The input and control supplies are protected by fuses. An earth terminal is provided on the transformer which must be connected to a low impedance local earth. WEIGHT 37 kg DIMENSIONS 370 × 480 × 290 mm TRANSFORMER WEIGHT 220 kg TRANSFORMER DIMENSIONS 570 x 500 x 1020 mm SUPPLIED ACCESSORIES Supply lead Spare fuse set Operating manual Earth lead
KV30-100 MK3 Test System

KV30-100 MK3 Test System

0-30kV output voltage 3kVA output capability Key operated supply switch to prevent unauthorised operation Dual overload protection Variable electronic trip – 10-110% of rated output Voltage and current metering External interlock circuit Zero-volt interlock Visual indication of test piece failure The KV30-100 MK2 Test System is a high power, high voltage ac test system designed for insulation testing. This system is equally suited to both development and routine testing of electrical insulation systems and plant. The equipment consists of a control unit and a separate oil filled high voltage transformer, linked by 5 metre supply and control cables. The control unit is fitted with a comprehensive range of facilities for control, metering and protection. The output voltage and current are displayed on large, linear analogue instruments, and a variable electronic trip is provided, allowing the trip current to be set to 10-110% of rated output. The high voltage transformer is housed in an oil-filled steel tank fitted with swivel castors for mobility. The unit uses a high voltage bushing for the HV output, and the other end of the HV winding is earthed. The output of the units are protected by variable electronic trips monitoring the output current, and a fixed over-current trip on the primary of the output transformer. The variable trip is adjustable in 10% steps between 10% and 110% of the rated output current. The input and control supplies are protected by fuses. The KV30-100 MK2 Test System is equally suited to testing capacitive, resistive or inductive test objects. If higher voltage or output power is required, please refer to our KV50-200/KV100-100 data sheet, detailing our 10kVA high voltage systems. WEIGHT 25 kg DIMENSIONS 370 × 480 × 290 mm TRANSFORMER WEIGHT 210 kg TRANSFORMER DIMENSIONS 480 x 460 x 570 mm SUPPLIED ACCESSORIES Supply lead Spare fuse set Operating manual Earth lead
KV5-100 MK3 Test System

KV5-100 MK3 Test System

Continuously variable output voltage 0-5kVAC Variable trip circuit 12mA and 20-120mA Output voltage and current metering Visual and audible indication of test piece failure The KV5-100 MK3 Test System is a general purpose, high voltage test instrument designed for testing insulation systems and the measurement of breakdown voltage on electrical plant and components. The unit has an output voltage adjustable from zero to 5kV with accurate metering on both the output voltage and current. A zero-voltage interlock is provided, ensuring that the output may only be energised with the voltage control at zero. The output voltage is metered by a large, linear analogue instrument with a dual-scale marking of 0-3kV and 0-6kV. Load current is metered by a second analogue instrument with 0-10 scale marking. Two current ranges are selectable: 0-10mA and 0-100mA. The test object and output are protected by an adjustable current trip linked to the current metering range. The trip level may be set to 20-120% of the current metering range on 20% steps. Breakdown of the test object is both audibly and visibly indicated. The alarm must be manually reset after a trip condition before testing can be resumed. The KV5-100 MK3 Test System is supplied in a compact and portable case with permanently connected test leads. The test leads are terminated in crocodile clips. The unit is designed to be used in conjunction with an interlocked test enclosure. WEIGHT 16.5 kg DIMENSIONS 364 × 147 × 262 mm SUPPLIED ACCESSORIES Operating manual Mains lead Spare fuse
30kV 10mA DC Tester PT30-10 MK3

30kV 10mA DC Tester PT30-10 MK3

±30kVdc output voltage. 10mA output capability. Both voltage and current metered on HV outputs. Automatic earth system for dumping capacitive loads. HV output plug & socket system. Key operated supply switch to prevent unauthorised operation. Zero-volt interlock. Visual indication of test piece failure. Automatic mains voltage selection. The PT30-10 Mk3 high voltage dc test set is designed to perform tests on installed cable and jointing systems. The 30kV 10mA DC tester has a variable output voltage with a maximum of ±30kVdc, with a maximum charging capability of 10mA. A zero-volt interlock is fitted that prevents the output being switched on unless the output control is at zero. The units include an automatic load discharge system that discharges the cable under test when the output is switched off or a breakdown occurs. The internal dumping system can discharge a maximum of 2.5kJ on each output, corresponding to 4µF at 30kV. In the event of a test object failure, the overload circuit will automatically switch off the output voltage and earth the output via the internal discharge circuit. A manual DP40 discharge probe is also supplied as standard with the PT30-10 MK3, 30kV 10mA DC Tester, allowing higher load capacitances to be safely discharged. The mk2 units introduce automatic 115/230V mains voltage selection, allowing easy transition between site voltages. The output voltage is metered by two large, linear, analogue instruments marked 0-30kV. Test object current is metered by two further analogue instruments with 0-10 scale marking. The meters read 0-10mA directly, or 0-1mA when the ÷10 push button is operated. The HV output from the unit uses a high quality plug and socket system, allowing for easy cable replacement.
TD 5000 Tan delta test set

TD 5000 Tan delta test set

The high-voltage generator TD 5000 is a complementary module of STS serie. TD 5000 designed to perform Tan Delta measurements, dissipation factor and capacitance of transformer and bushing at the frequency of the mains or in a wide frequency range. Main features Optional module for STS 5000 and STS 4000 test set, standard module for STS 3000 light Tan Delta, capacitance, dissipation factor measurements and for exciting current test Output voltage from 12 V up to 12 kV Variable output frequency: 1 – 500 Hz PADS – Power Apparatus Diagnostic Software for automatic testing, assessment and report Compact and lightweight Patented technology Tests performed Tangent Delta Capacitance Dissipation factor
eKAM Electronic primary injection test set

eKAM Electronic primary injection test set

eKAM is the new fully automatic electronic primary injection test equipment. e KAM test system includes two portable units: one control unit with a large graphical display, that adjusts the output, and one current unit (up to 2000, 3000, 5000A). It can also perform Step and Touch tests and ground resistance tests. Main features Fully automatic Two portable units: control and current units High current output: up to 2000 A, 3000 A and 5000 A Variable output frequency: 15 – 500 Hz CT ratio, burden and polarity test Large graphic display Advanced Test & Data Management Software for test set control, results storage and analysis Step & touch plus ground resistance tests with STLG option Reduced timing test USB interface and Ethernet interface for PC connection IEC 61850-9-2 sample values protocol interface Compact and lightweight Tests performed High current 2000, 3000, 5000, 7000 A CT ratio; CT polarity CT burden secondary side CT IEC 61850-9 CB operation time Earth impedance Line impedance Step & touch voltage
PT18-10 MK2 Test Set

PT18-10 MK2 Test Set

PT18-10 Mk2 wurde für die sichere Prüfung von Kabel- und Verbindungssystemen entwickelt, mit variabler Ausgangsspannung und automatischem Lastentladesystem. ±18kV Gleichspannungsausgang 10mA Ausgangskapazität Sowohl Spannung als auch Strom werden an den Hochspannungsausgängen gemessen Automatisches Erdungssystem zum Entladen kapazitiver Lasten Hochspannungsausgang mit Stecker- und Buchsensystem Schlüsselschalter zur Verhinderung unbefugter Bedienung Null-Volt-Verriegelung Visuelle Anzeige bei Versagen des Prüflings Automatische Netzspannungsauswahl Datenblatt Bedienungsanleitung
PT15-10S Mk2 Test Set

PT15-10S Mk2 Test Set

Hochleistungs-PT15-10S Mk2 Gleichstrom-Testgerät: variable Ausgangsspannung bis zu 15 kV DC, automatische Lastentladung und zuverlässige Messungen für genaue Tests 0 bis 15 kVdc Ausgangsspannung 10 mA Ausgangskapazität Sowohl Spannung als auch Strom werden am Hochspannungsausgang gemessen Automatisches Erdungssystem zur Entladung kapazitiver Lasten Hochspannungsausgang Stecker & Buchse Mit Schlüssel betätigter Versorgungsschalter zur Verhinderung unbefugter Bedienung Null-Volt-Verriegelung Visuelle Anzeige bei Versagen des Prüfstücks Kompaktes Gerät mit leichtem, isoliertem Gehäuse Datenblatt Bedienungsanleitung


3-f Voltage output from 1-f supply 0-450V f-N output voltage 20VA/phase maximum output Variable Frequency 30-999.9Hz Phase shift ±180.0° Multi-function timing system USB keyboard for comment USB data storage. Ideally suited to testing G59 & G99 schemes Step change of phase and df/dt Large 6.5” back-lit colour LCD Automatic mains voltage selection Fully Programmable test procedures Rugged case and weighs under 9kg The new ART3V Relay Test System brings new features to our range of relay test equipment making it far more adaptable. The new output voltages are higher and have a finer level of accuracy and control. The new full colour LCD provides more test detail, making it easy to understand. The ART3V user interface is an improvement of the DVS3 mk2 allowing simple testing of complex voltage and loss of mains protection systems. The ART3V has vastly improved accuracy, stability, and features. Designed to be the trusted and reliable voltage source for relay testing. The ART3V has been designed using the latest digital technology to generate a highly stable and accurate output with very low distortion. Each phase output is individually adjustable for voltage, frequency and phase angle. The unit is controlled by a simple user interface within defined menus. Values may be either typed in at the capacitive keypad or finely varied using a smooth rotary encoder. Bespoke test procedures can be created for step changes of any output variable at set times or with automatic timing of the response of the relay under test. The ART3V has a colour back-lit display to provide an easy to read user interface. Menu options are selected by dedicated buttons on the panel, allowing easy mode change. All information is displayed including contact set status, and a phasor diagram. The ART3V Relay Test System is ideally suited for testing G59/G99 protection, including loss of mains protection. Vector surge and df/dt (ROCOF) relays can be simply tested and timed, as well as other protection requiring one to three voltages, including: Under and over frequency relays Under and over voltage relays Synchronising relays df/dt & ROCOF relays Vector surge relays Transducers In conjunction with the ART3C or a current source (such as the 200ADM-P), the ART3V can be used to test protection circuits, including: Directional relays Distance protection Phase angle relays Power relays Power transducers Output The output of the ART3V has 4mm safety sockets for phases A, B, C and neutral. The neutral connection may be omitted for a delta connection. The neutrals can be linked for a star connection using the provided accessory. Timing System The timing system on the ART3V is flexible and transparent with different modes of operation. USB Data The ART3V can be connected to a USB keyboard for adding comments to tests. Each test is stored to a USB memory key with each comment. The data is stored in a *.CSV format allowing it to be opened in all types of desktop PC spreadsheet software. Modes of Operation Output Adjust This mode allows full control of frequency, voltage and phase. Phase Lock Mode The frequency and phase of the output can be controlled by an external reference in phase lock mode. The reference may be the mains supply to the ART3V, an external voltage, current. This mode allows testing of directional and distance protection in conjunction with an external current source. Fault Config Mode Fault Config mode allows extra flexibility in testing complex timed events or several sets of values that must be applied to a relay in turn. This mode allows three sets of values to be set in advance (pre-fault, fault, and post-fault values). The ART3V may be set to switch from one state to the next on a change of contact or after a specific time. In addition, the timer may be set to start or stop on any one of the state changes or a change of contact state. This mode allows frequency, phase and voltage to be changed simultaneously if required. Test configurations can be save to USB. More complex configurations can be loaded from the USB, such as a complete G59/G99 relay test, such as relay stability tests. df/dt and ROCOF (Rate Of Change Of Frequency) Loss of mains protection often takes the form of a df/dt relay, sensitive to the rate of change of frequency over time. The ART3V is able to generate a swept frequency output with accurate rates of change of frequency between preset frequencies. WEIGHT 8.9 kg DIMENSIONS 419 × 325 × 195 mm SUPPLIED ACCESSORIES Output lead set Lead set case Mains lead Spare fuse set Operating manual
Z-OVR Cable Impedance Test System

Z-OVR Cable Impedance Test System

5kA maximum output current (higher overload currents for 2s) Multi-function digital timing system Digital true RMS memory ammeter Solid state switching 200A, 2000A and 5000A loading units Three range outputs on loading units Rugged, compact design Optional trolley mounting of system Secondary injection up to 100A Auxiliary metering input Direct reading CT ratio and polarity The Z-OVR Cable Impedance Test Set is a cable impedance test system for the measurement of impedance of overhead lines and underground cables. The system consists of a separate control unit containing all metering and control functions and an output transformer that provides isolation of the output current and feedback voltage. A current is injected into the line under test and the resultant magnitude and phase angle of the voltage across the line is measured. The current, voltage, phase angle and impedance of the line (Z & X) under test are displayed. In addition, the harmonic content of the voltage and current can be displayed. The unit has data logging facilities using a standard USB memory key. Date, time, current, voltage, phase angle, and frequency are stored to a CSV file on the memory key along with a comment entered using the supplied USB keyboard. Pressing the “store” pushbutton causes a new set of values to be written to the CSV file. The output has three taps (75V, 150V & 300V), allowing the measurement of impedance of a wide range of lines and cables. All metering is true rms. Four current ranges (2.000, 10.00, 20.00 and 100.0A) and three voltage ranges (10.00V, 30.00V and 300.0V) are provided. The output transformer unit uses 6mm safety connectors for all outputs and 4mm safety connectors for inputs. A block of connectors is provided adjacent to the output to allow easy parallel connection of cables for parallel measurements on all three phases. The Z-OVR Cable Impedance Test Set is provided with a set of four 10m 12mm2 duplex measurement cables. These provide a 12mm2 conductor for current injection and a 6mm2 conductor for voltage feedback in each cable. WEIGHT 26 kg DIMENSIONS 450 × 275 × 305 mm SUPPLIED ACCESSORIES Earth lead Spare fuse set Operating manual USB keyboard USB memory key Mains lead 5 metre long 1 x 10m Earth Kelvin connection lead 3 x 10m Overhead Kelvin connection leads Link lead to connect parallel connection block Power and metering interconnection leads 5 metre long OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES Trolley mounting system, Part no. A204-0005
STS 5000 Multifunction substation test set

STS 5000 Multifunction substation test set

STS 5000 is a multifunction substation maintenance & commissioning test system for current, voltage and power transformers designed to perform primary tests requested in substations commissioning. It allows to perform accurate tests on CTs, VTs, PTs and ground grid. Main features Fully automatic Primary injection testing capabilities: up to 800 A or up to 5000 A / 7000 A, with the optional module BUX 5000 Variable output frequency: 15 – 500 Hz Power dissipation factor test with the optional module TD 5000 ( voltage up to 12 kV) 2000 v AC high-pot test Local control by large color display PADS – Power Apparatus Diagnostic Software for automatic testing, assessment and report IEC 61850-9-2 communication protocol Patented technology for Capacitance and Tan Delta measurement USB interface and Ethernet interface for PC connection. Compact and lightweight Tests performed CT ratio CT ratio voltage mode CT polarity CT burden secondary side ALF ISF CT excitation curve CT knee voltage CT winding resistance burden resistance voltage withstand rogowski coil low power transformer CT IEC 61850-9 VT ratio VT polarity VT burden secondary side VT IEC 61850-9 PT ratio PT vector group PT winding resistance OLTC tap changer dynamic resistance; PT excitation current PT no load current PT short circuit impedance PT leakage reactance Micro-ohmmeter CB operation time
STS 5000 Multifunction substation test set

STS 5000 Multifunction substation test set

STS 5000 is a multifunction substation maintenance & commissioning test system for current, voltage and power transformers designed to perform primary tests requested in substations commissioning. It allows to perform accurate tests on CTs, VTs, PTs and ground grid. Main features Fully automatic Primary injection testing capabilities: up to 800 A or up to 5000 A / 7000 A, with the optional module BUX 5000 Variable output frequency: 15 – 500 Hz Power dissipation factor test with the optional module TD 5000 ( voltage up to 12 kV) 2000 v AC high-pot test Local control by large color display PADS – Power Apparatus Diagnostic Software for automatic testing, assessment and report IEC 61850-9-2 communication protocol Patented technology for Capacitance and Tan Delta measurement USB interface and Ethernet interface for PC connection. Compact and lightweight Tests performed CT ratio CT ratio voltage mode CT polarity CT burden secondary side ALF ISF CT excitation curve CT knee voltage CT winding resistance burden resistance voltage withstand rogowski coil low power transformer CT IEC 61850-9 VT ratio VT polarity VT burden secondary side VT IEC 61850-9 PT ratio PT vector group PT winding resistance OLTC tap changer dynamic resistance; PT excitation current PT no load current PT short circuit impedance PT leakage reactance Micro-ohmmeter CB operation time
100A/E MK3 Secondary Current Injection Test Set

100A/E MK3 Secondary Current Injection Test Set

0-100A output current True RMS metering with single cycle capture Auxiliary DC and AC output Multi-function auto-ranging timing system Current limit mode for fine control Automatic mains voltage selection Thermal and over-current protection The 100A/E mk3 secondary current injection test set has been designed to give the maintenance and commissioning engineer a large number of facilities in one self-contained instrument.The unit is portable, compact and simple to use. The mains supply for the unit is either 240V±10% or 115V +10% -6% at either 50 or 60Hz. Full load can be obtained at the supply voltage extremes. The current and voltage outputs are independently controlled and metered. The output current and voltage are displayed on large, clear panel instruments. An additional four range CT is provided, extending the ammeter range down to 0-100mA. All of the outputs are fully isolated by means of double wound transformers. The timing system on the 100A/E is very flexible, without compromising ease of use. Four modes of operation and two contact inputs are provided allowing for a wide range of events to be timed. Both contact inputs automatically select for normally open or normally closed contacts. Operation of the different timing modes is described overleaf. Internal start mode starts the timer when the ‘ON’ pushbutton is pressed, and stops the timer when the first contact set changes state. This mode is ideally suited to timing over-current relays. Single contact mode starts and stops the timer on the first and second changes of state of the first contact set, and dual contact mode starts the timer from the first set of contacts and stops it from the second set. These modes allow reset and re-close times of protective devices to be easily measured. The final mode of operation of the timer starts the timer when the current exceeds 20% of the selected metering range, and stops it when the current falls below 20%. This allows the timing of trips with no auxiliary contacts such as miniature circuit breakers. Automatic control has been provided such that all outputs can be switched off once the device under test has operated. The automatic control can be switched in or out of circuit for all outputs, enabling setting up procedures to be carried out. The instrument is housed in a robust case complete with a protective cover and fold-away carrying handles. The current output on the unit has eight ranges, allowing the selection of output voltages up to 150V and output currents up to 200A. The voltage output on the unit has three ranges, allowing the selection of output voltages up to 500Vac and 250VDC. If using a 100ADM-F with the 100A/E mk 3 unit you will need to to order A0006-0010 lead set. The output of the 100A/E mk3 secondary current injection test set is a true RMS analogue system with separate instruments for current and voltage. AC current is metered by a dual scaled ammeter reading 0-1A and 0-5A. AC voltage is metered by a dual scaled ammeter reading 0-300V and 0-600V. The output may be automatically switched off at the end of the test to safeguard the relay under test. This is available for both the voltage and current output. WEIGHT 33 kg DIMENSIONS 490 × 300 × 300 mm SUPPLIED ACCESSORIES Operating manual 2m Mains lead Non-latching contact lead 100AL lead set Spare fuses OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES 100ADM-F, Part no. 006 100A/E Filter, Part no. A0006-0010
TPT9000 Transformer Polarity Tester

TPT9000 Transformer Polarity Tester

Fast polarity testing of both voltage and current transformers. Compact and light Easy to use, plug & play Smart detection of incorrect connection Proving unit included in the kit as standard Fused lead sets included for user safety Supplied in a protective case. Long battery life Built in battery monitor The TPT9000 Transformer Polarity Tester is used for determining the correct polarity of current and voltage transformers. This device is a smart plug and play instrument designed for Commissioning Engineers. A lightweight instrument it comes with magnetised back panel, making it for storage on metallic walls or panels. TPT9000 automatically detects if the transformer has been connected incorrectly. The device comes with a proving unit to check the correct operation of the unit in the field. A set of 600V CAT IV fused test leads terminated in shrouded 4mm connectors is also included with the unit, along with 4 F500mA HRC fuses. The instrument is designed to be used on ‘dead’ systems (i.e., no externally supplied voltages are present on the test object). We strongly advise you not to connect the TPT9000 to a live system. Always make sure that the power of the device under test is off. TPT9000 Transformer Polarity Tester is designed for use in industrial and electrical substation environments on altitude level of maximum 2000m above sea level. Operating temperature is between 0°C and 45°C, while storage temperature is -20°C to 60°C. TPT9000 requires a single PP3 9V battery to operate. Battery level is automatically monitored, and the device will not perform a test if the battery voltage is below a useable level. WEIGHT 0.6 kg DIMENSIONS 118 × 79 × 32 mm SUPPLIED ACCESSORIES Proving unit 1 off 1m Black fused lead 1 off 1m Red fused lead 1 off 1m Blue fused lead 1 off 1m Brown fused lead Operating & Maintenance Manual Unit carry set case 9V battery OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES/SPARES Proving Unit, Part No. 249-0001 Complete replacement output lead set, Part No. A249-0002 Carry Case, Part No. A249-0003
200ADM-P Secondary Current Injection Test Set

200ADM-P Secondary Current Injection Test Set

The 200ADM-P is a current injection system with a wide range of advanced features including phase shift, data storage and harmonic analysis. 0-200A output current True RMS metering with 1 cycle capture Variable auxiliary ac voltage/ current output with phase shift Auxiliary metering input V, f, Φ, Z, P, S, PF, CT ratio, harmonics & more Variable auxiliary output 12-220Vdc Multi-function auto-ranging timing system Current limit mode for fine control Data storage to USB memory key including waveform & harmonics USB keyboard/printer interface Automatic mains voltage selection The 200ADM-P Secondary Current Injection Test Set has a range of outputs allowing injection of currents between 1mA and 200A. Voltages up to 240V are available on the main outputs allowing high impedance current relays to be tested. True RMS metering with single cycle capture is provided. 4 current ranges allow the full scale of the meter and trip level to be set independently of the selected output. Industry standard safety connectors are used throughout for safe, reliable convenience. The 200ADM-P Secondary Current Injection Test Set has a flexible auxiliary ac output that can be used at up to 260V for voltage relays or up to 10A for current relays. The phase and frequency of this output are fully adjustable. This combination of voltage and current allows testing of relays that require two voltages, one voltage and one current or two currents. An auxiliary metering module is provided that meters ac and dc voltage, current and frequency from the auxiliary outputs or external signals. The module can also take measurements in conjunction with the main current output to meter phase angle, power, impedance, CT ratio and harmonics. A variable stabilised DC supply with current limit is provided to power the relay under test. WEIGHT 22.6 kg DIMENSIONS 500 × 456 × 265 mm SUPPLIED ACCESSORIES Operating manual Output lead set Mains lead Sparefuses USB keyboard USB memory key Shoulder strap (except Pelicase unit) OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES 100ADM-F, Part no. 006 100AL Mk2 / Mk3, Part no. A199-0003
18kV 10mA DC Tester PT18-10 MK2

18kV 10mA DC Tester PT18-10 MK2

Ultra lightweight (6.9kg) 1-200Adc test current with <2.5% ripple Supplied with standard 3m output lead set 0.1μΩ resolution mV, A, and m/μΩ displayed simultaneously USB memory key for data storage USB keyboard for comment entry Pre-settable test current with three buttons to store user test currents Large back-lit liquid crystal display Universal supply voltage 90-264V Optional current clamp to allows testing of objects with both sides earthed The PT18-10 mk2 high voltage dc test set is designed to perform tests on installed cable and jointing systems. The 18kV 10mA DC Tester has a variable output voltage with a maximum of ±18kVdc with a maximum charging capability of 10mA. A zero-volt interlock is fitted that prevents the output being switched on unless the output control is at zero. Units include an automatic load discharge system that discharges the cable under test when the output is switched off or a breakdown occurs. Internal dumping system can discharge a maximum of 2.5kJ on each output, corresponding to 10µF at 18kV. In the event of a test object failure, the overload circuit will automatically switch off the output voltage and earth the output via the internal discharge circuit. A DP20 discharge probe is supplied as standard with the PT18-10 mk2, 18kV 10mA DC Tester, allowing higher load capacitances to be safely discharged. The 18kV 10mA DC Tester has an internal fail-safe automatic discharge system with the following ratings: Max. discharge voltage (kVdc) 20kVdc Highest discharge energy 2.5kJ Highest discharge capacitance 10μF Max. discharges per hour 4 The automatic discharge switch is controlled by a solenoid. It may produce a noticeable hum when the HT output is energised. Output voltage is metered by two large, linear, analogue instruments marked 0-20kV. Meanwhile, current is metered by two further analogue instruments with 0-10 scale marking. The meters read 0-10mA directly, or 0-1mA when the ÷10 push button is operated. The HV output from the unit uses a high quality plug and socket system, allowing for easy cable replacement. High voltage plugs are protected in transit by plastic covers and are fully de-mountable. Screened 5 metre long high voltage output cables are provided with the equipment terminated with large clips. The mk2 units introduce automatic 115/230V mains voltage selection. That along the padded bag ensure maximum protection during transit.