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Transformatoren für Leiterplatten

Transformatoren für Leiterplatten

Transformatoren nach VDE 0570 / EN61558 Bauform EI , UI oder Ringkern mit Anschlüssen in Form von Lötpins, tauchimprägniert oder in Kunststoffbechern vergossen. Die gewünschte Pinbelegung ist bei der Bestellung anzugeben. Die Baureihe PF, mit extrem niedriger Bauhöhe, eignet sich besonders für Steckkartenanwendung. Bei den Baureihen PF und PS in Standardausführung entsprechen die Luft- und Kriechstrecken und Prüfspannung VDE 0570. Transformatoren dieser Baureihen sind nicht kurzschlussfest. Maßnahmen gegen Überlastung und Kurzschluss sind vom Anwender vorzunehmen! Bei der Baureihe PS ist eine Ausführung mit eingebautem PTC-Widerstand möglich. Diese Transformatoren sind dadurch bedingt kurzschlussfest. Im Überlastungsfall begrenzt der PTC-Widerstand den Primärstrom. Nach Beseitigung der Überlast und nach Abkühlung ist der Transformator wieder betriebsbereit.
Aufsteckstromwandler AcuCT S113 Stromwandler 5A

Aufsteckstromwandler AcuCT S113 Stromwandler 5A

5A Solid-Core Stromwandler AcuCT S113 The AcuCT S113 is a 5A solid-core current transformer that combines a durable, cost effective design with accurate measurement and ideal for product integrations. The AcuCT S113 is a 5A solid-core current transformer that combines a durable, cost effective design with accurate measurement and ideal for product integrations. UL2808 Listed, the AcuCT S113 will provide years of dependable service, even in challenging environments. • Accuracy class: 1% • Current input: 200A, 300A, or 400A • Industrial standard 5A rated output • Solid core design for dependable accuracy & performance • Cost-effective measurement for product integrations & general metering • UL2808 Listed


Von der Bestellannahme, über Lagerung, Verpackung bis hin zum Versand und Retourenmanagement organisieren & steuern wir den gesamten Prozess


Entwicklung in den Bereichen Maschinenbau, Anlagenbau, Automotive, Aerospace, Betriebsmittel, Automation, Erneuerbare Energien


Entwicklung in den Bereichen Maschinenbau, Anlagenbau, Automotive, Aerospace, Betriebsmittel, Automation, Erneuerbare Energien


Entwicklung in den Bereichen Maschinenbau, Anlagenbau, Automotive, Aerospace, Betriebsmittel, Automation, Erneuerbare Energien


"Mit unseren Workshop- und Trainingsangeboten versetzen Sie Ihre Mitarbeiter in die Lage, mithilfe von additiver Fertigung Kosten- sowie Technikpotentiale zu identifizieren.
Sprossen - Die Verwandlungskünstler für Fenster und Türen

Sprossen - Die Verwandlungskünstler für Fenster und Türen

Sprossenfenster sind dekorativ und stilvoll. Vor allem bei Fachwerkhäusern passen sie sich optimal in den Stil der Fassade ein, aber auch bei Neubauten haben Sprossen nichts von ihrer Beliebtheit eingebüßt. Sie verleihen Gebäuden einen besonderen Charme und Individualität. Sprossen gibt es in verschiedenen Varianten. Sprossenarten aus Holz


E, EP, EFD, ER und ETD, U, UI, UU, UR u.a., SMD-Bauformen gegurtet, Planar-Bauformen Anwendungsbereiche: Kleinsignalübertrager Ansteuerübertrager/Zündübertrager DC-DC Konverter Schaltnetzteilübertrager für kleine und große Leistungen Drosseln für hohe Ströme Power Factor Controller-Drosseln


Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt ENTWURF FÜR DIE IAA VIRTUAL Projektarchiv VIRTUAL. FÜR AUSSTELLER. MESSEDESIGN Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt. ENTWURF FÜR DIE IAA Kurzinfo Bereich: VIRTUAL Kunde: Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt Projekt: ENTWURF FÜR DIE IAA Fläche: 9000 m² Vorherige Nächste Messedesign Spaces EXPO DEVELOPMENT Virtual WAS KÖNNEN WIR FÜR SIE TUN? Sprechen wir miteinander!


Ellipsenförmige Bühne mit einem durchsichtigen Kunststoffwinkel zur Fixierung des Buches


Unsere Entwickler begleiten Sie konzeptionell ab der ersten Idee oder dem bestehenden technischen Design bis zum fertigen Produkt. Bei einem individuellen Projekt dieser Art ist es vom entscheidendem Vorteil, wenn alle Kompetenzen und Erfahrungen, wie bei HOLZAMMER, an einem Standort vereint gemeinsam an einem Strang ziehen. Alle unsere Fachbereiche geben in der Entwicklungsphase ihren wertvollen Input und beteiligen sich so unterstützend vom ersten Moment an am Prozess. So können wir Ihr Produkt fertigungs- und montagegerecht entwickeln. HOLZAMMER entwickelt Ihre Idee zum fertigen Produkt
Polytronik® Ringkerntransformator Basic

Polytronik® Ringkerntransformator Basic

• Sicherheits- und Trenntransformatoren nach EN 61558-2 / VDE 0570 mit ENEC und UL Prüfzeichen • Galvanisch getrennte Primär- und Sekundärwicklungen • Sehr geringes magnetisches Streufeld • Sehr geringe Leerlaufverluste (Leistungsaufnahme bei Nulllast) • Sehr hoher Wirkungsgrad • Maximale Umgebungstemperatur ta = 40°C / Temperaturklasse B (130°C) • Ringkerntransformator ohne Montagezubehör


Integrators can amplify and transduce the standard output from the Rogowski coil to a commonly accepted signal, such 333mV. Flexibler Stromwandler RIK24-333mV The Accuenergy Rogowski Integrator Kit (RIK) brings the convenience of a Rogowski coil current transformer to any power meter or device with a 333mV nominal current transformer input. The 333mV Rogowski integrator facilitates the installation of Rogowski coil CTs into a variety of applications where space constraints may limit the use of rigid-body current transformers. Highly adaptable, the seven user-selectable input ranges ensure the Rogowski Integrator Kit will be compatible with any system up to 60,000A AC. Available as either a three phase or single phase device, each kit includes flexible Rogowski coils in one of four standard lengths to pair with integrator. • 0-333mV rated output works with any power meter or device with 333mV nominal current transformer input. • Flexible, rope-like current sensor, designed to easily fit into crowded electrical panels or around busbars • Current sensing range from 2.5A to 50,000A for compatibility across any system. • Field-configurable CT ratios: 500A, 1kA, 2.5kA, 5kA, 10kA, 25kA, 50kA • Individual CT ratios can be configured for each channel. Works in any single phase application with different current ratings. • Compatible with both 50Hz and 60Hz systems Length: 23.62" (600 mm)


The AcuCT S77 is a Measurement Canada approved solid-core current transformer that features industry-leading 0.15% accuracy. Solid-Core, Stromwandler AcuCT S77 Series The AcuCT S77 is a Measurement Canada approved solid-core current transformer that features industry-leading 0.15% accuracy. Compact and cost-effective, the AcuCT S77 is specifically designed for power and energy meter installations that require exceptionally accurate signal transformation, such as revenue or billing applications. The rugged solid-core design ensures reliable performance, even within harsh environments. • Accuracy class: 0.15% • Current input: 100A or 200A • Choose from 80mA or 100mA rated output • Solid core design for superior accuracy & performance • Measurement Canada Approved • UL2808 Listed, 61010-1, & CSA 22.2"
Flexibler Stromwandler RIK16-333mV

Flexibler Stromwandler RIK16-333mV

Integrators can amplify and transduce the standard output from the Rogowski coil to a commonly accepted signal, such 333mV. The Accuenergy Rogowski Integrator Kit (RIK) brings the convenience of a Rogowski coil current transformer to any power meter or device with a 333mV nominal current transformer input. The 333mV Rogowski integrator facilitates the installation of Rogowski coil CTs into a variety of applications where space constraints may limit the use of rigid-body current transformers. Highly adaptable, the seven user-selectable input ranges ensure the Rogowski Integrator Kit will be compatible with any system up to 60,000A AC. Available as either a three phase or single phase device, each kit includes flexible Rogowski coils in one of four standard lengths to pair with integrator. • 0-333mV rated output works with any power meter or device with 333mV nominal current transformer input. • Flexible, rope-like current sensor, designed to easily fit into crowded electrical panels or around busbars • Current sensing range from 2.5A to 50,000A for compatibility across any system. • Field-configurable CT ratios: 500A, 1kA, 2.5kA, 5kA, 10kA, 25kA, 50kA • Individual CT ratios can be configured for each channel. Works in any single phase application with different current ratings. • Compatible with both 50Hz and 60Hz systems Length: 15.75" (400 mm)
Flexibler Stromwandler RIK47-333mV

Flexibler Stromwandler RIK47-333mV

Integrators can amplify and transduce the standard output from the Rogowski coil to a commonly accepted signal, such 333mV. The Accuenergy Rogowski Integrator Kit (RIK) brings the convenience of a Rogowski coil current transformer to any power meter or device with a 333mV nominal current transformer input. The 333mV Rogowski integrator facilitates the installation of Rogowski coil CTs into a variety of applications where space constraints may limit the use of rigid-body current transformers. Highly adaptable, the seven user-selectable input ranges ensure the Rogowski Integrator Kit will be compatible with any system up to 60,000A AC. Available as either a three phase or single phase device, each kit includes flexible Rogowski coils in one of four standard lengths to pair with integrator. • 0-333mV rated output works with any power meter or device with 333mV nominal current transformer input. • Flexible, rope-like current sensor, designed to easily fit into crowded electrical panels or around busbars • Current sensing range from 2.5A to 50,000A for compatibility across any system. • Field-configurable CT ratios: 500A, 1kA, 2.5kA, 5kA, 10kA, 25kA, 50kA • Individual CT ratios can be configured for each channel. Works in any single phase application with different current ratings. • Compatible with both 50Hz and 60Hz systems Length: 47.24" (1.200 mm)


Flexibler Stromwandler RIK36-5A. Integrators can amplify and transduce the standard output from the Rogowski coil to a commonly accepted signal, such 5A. The Accuenergy Rogowski Integrator Kit (RIK) brings the convenience and flexibility of Rogowski coil current transformers to any device that accepts a 5A input, such as a power meter. The Rogowski Integrator Kit delivers a simple, plug-and-play solution to situations where physical space may be limited, such as crowded electrical panels, or to installations that include large, irregularly shaped conductors like busbars. Highly adaptable, the seven user-selectable input ranges ensure the Rogowski Integrator Kit will be compatible with any system up to 60,000A AC. Each kit also includes three, flexible Rogowski coils in one of four standard lengths. • Flexible rope-like current sensor, designed to easily fit into panels where space may be limited • 0-5A rated output that works with any power meter with 5A nominal current transformer input • Current sensing range from 2.5A to 50,000A to fit all systems • Field-configurable CT ratios: 500A, 1kA, 2.5kA, 5kA, 10kA, 25kA, 50kA • Individual CT ratios can be configured for each channel.


333mV Split-Core Stromwandler AcuCT mV. Split-core current transformers, which feature a removable "leg" for easy, non-intrusive installation, are specifically engineered for retrofit applications. The AcuCT mV Series is a compact, revenue grade 333mV split-core current transformer engineered for high-precision electrical panel and device monitoring in industrial, commercial, or other demanding environments. The low voltage output is inherently safe, and the split-core design expedites easy installation without disconnecting cables or wires. • Revenue grade accuracy: IEC 60044-1 class 0.5s (from 10%-120% of rated current) • Current input range: 20A - 5000A AC (depending on model) • Safe, 333mV output • Split core design for quick installation • UL Recognized


Integrators can transduce the standard output from the Rogowski coil to a commonly accepted 4-20mA or 0-20mA signal. Flexibler Stromwandler RIK47-mA The Accuenergy Rogowski Integrator Kit (RIK) brings the convenience of a Rogowski coil current transformer to any power meter or device with a 4-20mA or 0-20mA nominal current transformer input. The mA Rogowski integrator facilitates the installation of Rogowski coil CTs into a variety of applications where space constraints may limit the use of rigid-body current transformers. Highly adaptable, the seven user-selectable input ranges ensure the Rogowski Integrator Kit will be compatible with any system up to 60,000A AC. Available as either a three phase or single phase device, each kit includes flexible Rogowski coils in one of four standard lengths to pair with integrator. • Field-selectable 4-20mA or 0-20mA rated output works with any power meter or device with a mA nominal current transformer input. • Flexible, rope-like current sensor, designed to easily fit into crowded electrical panels or around busbars • Current sensing range from 2.5A to 50,000A for compatibility across any system. • Field-configurable CT ratios: 500A, 1kA, 2.5kA, 5kA, 10kA, 25kA, 50kA • Individual CT ratios can be configured for each channel. Works in any single phase application with different current ratings. • Compatible with both 50Hz and 60Hz systems


Split-Core Stromwandler AcuCT R Series The AcuCT R is a premium, revenue grade split-core current transformer series that supports a wide range of output options with industry-leading accuracy. Engineered to be compact and durable, the AcuCT R is UL2808 Listed, ensuring quality and safety in demanding applications. The sturdy latching design securely locks the current transformer in place while the user-friendly, press-open mechanism facilitates quick installation without disconnecting cables or wires. • Revenue grade accuracy: IEC 60044-1 0.5s class • Current input range: 5A – 5000A AC (depending on model) • Multiple voltage or current secondary output options including 5A and 333mV • Push-open mechanism designed for quick, simple installation • Multiple window shapes and sizes available • Multiple mounting options with included accessories • UL Listed for XOBA UL2808 standard, CSA C22.2 No. 61010-1


The AcuCT 5A Series is a robust, compact 1A or 5A split-core current transformer designed for high-precision industrial applications. Split-Core Stromwandler AcuCT 5A Series. The AcuCT 5A Series is a robust, compact 1A or 5A split-core current transformer designed for high-precision industrial applications. It is available in multiple sizes & input ranges to accommodate a variety of project requirements and the split-core design facilitates easy installation without disconnecting cables or wires. • Revenue grade accuracy: IEC 60044-1 class 0.5s (from 10%-120% of rated current) • Current input range: 5A - 5000A AC (depending on model) • Choose from 1A or 5A industrial standard output • Split core design for quick installation • Multiple mounting options with included accessories • UL Recognized
Trenntransformatoren und Sicherheitstransformatoren

Trenntransformatoren und Sicherheitstransformatoren

Trenntransformatoren werden zur elektrischen Trennung von Stromkreisen verwendet. Mit Trenntransformatoren kann die Schutzmaßnahme "Schutztrennung" erfüllt werden. Die angeschlossenen Betriebsmittel sind vom speisenden Netz sicher getrennt und dürfen nicht geerdet werden. Für Trenntransformatoren gelten DIN/VDE 0570/2-4 und als max. Nennwerte: Eingangsspannung: 1000 V Frequenz 500 Hz Ausgangsspannung: 1000 V (Leerlauf und Last) Leistung: einphasige Transformatoren: 25 kVA dreiphasige Transformatoren: 40 kVA Zur Unterscheidung von Transformatoren für andere Anwendungen müssen Trenntransformatoren mit dem Symbol gekennzeichnet sein. Sicherheitstransformatoren sind dazu bestimmt, Verteilungsstromkreise, Geräte oder andere Einrichtungen mit Spannungen bis AC 50V bzw. über Gleichrichter mit DC 12 V (bei Leerl. und Last) zu speisen, um im Fehlerfall gefährliche Berührungsspannungen zu verhindern. Mit Trenntransformatoren kann die Schutzmaßnahme "Schutzkleinspannung" erfüllt werden. Sie werden also dort eingesetzt, wo die üblichen Schutzmaßnahmen wie Nullung usw. nicht ausreichen. Für Sicherheitstransformatoren gelten DIN/VDE 0570/2-6 und die max. Nennwerte:


Die physikalisch optimale Bauform in Verbindung mit hochwertigem Kernmaterial und fachgerechter Verarbeitung verleiht dem GETRA-Ringkern-Transformator besondere Vorzüge. Der Ringkern, aus kornorientiertem Material in Vorzugsrichtung gewickelt, weist ein nahezu ideales magnetisches Feld auf. Mit nur 1,0 W / kg (bei 1,5T) sind außerordentlich niedrige Eisenverluste gegeben. Der geringe Magnetisierungsstrom und die günstige Wärmeabführung durch die gleichmäßige Verteilung der Wicklung führen zu einem besonderes guten Temperaturverhalten. Bei optimalem Wicklungsaufbau lassen sich gegenüber herkömmlichen Transformatoren sehr kleine Streufelder erzielen. Die Verringerung von Baugröße und Gewicht kann bis zu 50 % betragen. Der Einsatz von GETRA-Ringkern-Transformatoren ist also überall dort angezeigt, wo auf geringes Streufeld Wert gelegt wird und wo geringes Gewicht und Volumen von Bedeutung sind.
Flexibler Stromwandler RIK47-5A

Flexibler Stromwandler RIK47-5A

Integrators can amplify and transduce the standard output from the Rogowski coil to a commonly accepted signal, such 5A. The Accuenergy Rogowski Integrator Kit (RIK) brings the convenience and flexibility of Rogowski coil current transformers to any device that accepts a 5A input, such as a power meter. The Rogowski Integrator Kit delivers a simple, plug-and-play solution to situations where physical space may be limited, such as crowded electrical panels, or to installations that include large, irregularly shaped conductors like busbars. Highly adaptable, the seven user-selectable input ranges ensure the Rogowski Integrator Kit will be compatible with any system up to 60,000A AC. Each kit also includes three, flexible Rogowski coils in one of four standard lengths. • Flexible rope-like current sensor, designed to easily fit into panels where space may be limited • 0-5A rated output that works with any power meter with 5A nominal current transformer input • Current sensing range from 2.5A to 50,000A to fit all systems • Field-configurable CT ratios: 500A, 1kA, 2.5kA, 5kA, 10kA, 25kA, 50kA • Individual CT ratios can be configured for each channel.
Flexibler Stromwandler RIK16-5A

Flexibler Stromwandler RIK16-5A

Integrators can amplify and transduce the standard output from the Rogowski coil to a commonly accepted signal, such 5A. The Accuenergy Rogowski Integrator Kit (RIK) brings the convenience and flexibility of Rogowski coil current transformers to any device that accepts a 5A input, such as a power meter. The Rogowski Integrator Kit delivers a simple, plug-and-play solution to situations where physical space may be limited, such as crowded electrical panels, or to installations that include large, irregularly shaped conductors like busbars. Highly adaptable, the seven user-selectable input ranges ensure the Rogowski Integrator Kit will be compatible with any system up to 60,000A AC. Each kit also includes three, flexible Rogowski coils in one of four standard lengths. • Flexible rope-like current sensor, designed to easily fit into panels where space may be limited • 0-5A rated output that works with any power meter with 5A nominal current transformer input • Current sensing range from 2.5A to 50,000A to fit all systems • Field-configurable CT ratios: 500A, 1kA, 2.5kA, 5kA, 10kA, 25kA, 50kA • Individual CT ratios can be configured for each channel.
Flexibler Stromwandler RIK36-333mV

Flexibler Stromwandler RIK36-333mV

Integrators can amplify and transduce the standard output from the Rogowski coil to a commonly accepted signal, such 333mV. The Accuenergy Rogowski Integrator Kit (RIK) brings the convenience of a Rogowski coil current transformer to any power meter or device with a 333mV nominal current transformer input. The 333mV Rogowski integrator facilitates the installation of Rogowski coil CTs into a variety of applications where space constraints may limit the use of rigid-body current transformers. Highly adaptable, the seven user-selectable input ranges ensure the Rogowski Integrator Kit will be compatible with any system up to 60,000A AC. Available as either a three phase or single phase device, each kit includes flexible Rogowski coils in one of four standard lengths to pair with integrator. • 0-333mV rated output works with any power meter or device with 333mV nominal current transformer input. • Flexible, rope-like current sensor, designed to easily fit into crowded electrical panels or around busbars • Current sensing range from 2.5A to 50,000A for compatibility across any system. • Field-configurable CT ratios: 500A, 1kA, 2.5kA, 5kA, 10kA, 25kA, 50kA • Individual CT ratios can be configured for each channel. Works in any single phase application with different current ratings. • Compatible with both 50Hz and 60Hz systems Length: 35.43" (900 mm)
Flexibler Stromwandler RIK36-mA

Flexibler Stromwandler RIK36-mA

Integrators can transduce the standard output from the Rogowski coil to a commonly accepted 4-20mA or 0-20mA signal. The Accuenergy Rogowski Integrator Kit (RIK) brings the convenience of a Rogowski coil current transformer to any power meter or device with a 4-20mA or 0-20mA nominal current transformer input. The mA Rogowski integrator facilitates the installation of Rogowski coil CTs into a variety of applications where space constraints may limit the use of rigid-body current transformers. Highly adaptable, the seven user-selectable input ranges ensure the Rogowski Integrator Kit will be compatible with any system up to 60,000A AC. Available as either a three phase or single phase device, each kit includes flexible Rogowski coils in one of four standard lengths to pair with integrator. • Field-selectable 4-20mA or 0-20mA rated output works with any power meter or device with a mA nominal current transformer input. • Flexible, rope-like current sensor, designed to easily fit into crowded electrical panels or around busbars • Current sensing range from 2.5A to 50,000A for compatibility across any system. • Field-configurable CT ratios: 500A, 1kA, 2.5kA, 5kA, 10kA, 25kA, 50kA • Individual CT ratios can be configured for each channel. Works in any single phase application with different current ratings. • Compatible with both 50Hz and 60Hz systems
DC Halleffekt Stromwandler Stromsensor HAB16555

DC Halleffekt Stromwandler Stromsensor HAB16555

DC Gleichstrom Stromsensor HAB 16555. Accuenergy’s HAB Series Hall effect DC current sensor can measure up to 5000A of DC current with 0.5% accuracy and a rated output signal of either 4-20mA or 0-5V. Accuenergy’s HAB Series Hall effect DC current sensor can measure up to 5000A of DC current with 0.5% accuracy and a rated output signal of either 4-20mA or 0-5V. The non-intrusive, split-core design provides a seamless integration into any existing installation. In addition, the HAB DC current sensor is available as either a unidirectional or bidirectional device. • Accuracy class: 0.5% • Multiple current input options available • Choose from 4-20mA or 0-5V rated output • Non-invasive, split core design is ideal for existing installations • Choose from unidirectional or bidirectional measurement options • CE and RoHS compliant Accuracy: 0.5%
Flexible Rogowskispule / Stromwandler RCT16

Flexible Rogowskispule / Stromwandler RCT16

High specification line of flexible current transformers that measures AC current for power metering, power quality analysis and general use. The Rogowski coil provides a versatile solution when space is limited and requires a rope-style CT to physically wrap around a irregular shaped conductor or wire. • High accuracy for demanding applications • Wide frequency range means excellent choice for harmonics and power quality • Wide current input range from 5A – 50,000A AC • Choice of 16″, 24″, 36″ or 47″ length • No additional power supply needed when used with Acuvim II Series meters • Fully customizable selection of flexible CT Length: 15.75" (400 mm)