Fibre/Protein/Gluten/Dairy product/Fasern/Milchprodukte/Proteine/Gluten
Fibre/Protein/Gluten/Dairy product/Fasern/Milchprodukte/Proteine/GlutenFibre/Protein/Gluten/Dairy product/Fasern/Milchprodukte/Proteine/Gluten

Fibre/Protein/Gluten/Dairy product/Fasern/Milchprodukte/Proteine/Gluten

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Wheat gluten, Potato protein, Pea protein, Rice protein, Corn gluten, Potato fibre, Pea fibre, Wheat fibre, Whole milk powder, Skimmed milk powder, Sweet whey powder, Fat filled milk powder Wheat gluten Wheat gluten is a protein that is a byproduct of the production of wheat starch and which develops very good viscoelastic properties when water is added. Wheat gluten is used in the production of a range of foods such as baked goods, breakfast cereals, meat and meat substitute products, vegetarian and vegan foods and noodles. Potato protein Potato protein is a byproduct of the production of potato starch. It is a very high quality protein that is easy to digest and has a very good composition of amino acids. Potato protein is a valued ingredient used to enrich animal feed with protein. Potato protein is especially used in the production of animal feeds for pigs and chickens. Pea protein Pea protein is characterised by its favourable amino acid profile and is, unlike other proteins, exceptionally low in allergens. As the use of pea protein does not require allergen labelling it is often used as an alternative to other products. Pea protein is used as a source of protein in vegetarian and vegan foods, in sport and fitness products and in food supplements. Rice protein Rice protein can be used as an ingredient in the production of food supplements, sports nutrition and baby food. Rice protein increases the protein content of products and is especially easy to digest, gluten-free and particularly low in allergens. Corn gluten Corn gluten is a byproduct of the production of corn starch. Corn gluten is added to compound feed for all types of animals. Potato fibre Potato fibre has a very high fibre content and is neutral in taste and odour. Potato fibre is used in baked goods and pasta, meat products or diet products thanks to its water and fat binding capacity. Potato fibre improves texture, extends shelf life, reduces moisture and fat loss during production and also reduces the calories in the end products due to the increased level of fibre. Pea fibre Pea fibre is produced from yellow peas. Thanks to its pale yellow colour and neutral properties it is especially suitable for use in baked products. Its water binding capacity supports moisture regulation and the texture of products and reduces cooking losses. Pea fibre can also be used in the production of snacks, cereals, meat products and health food products. In the latter, the pea fibre reduces the calories and provides a high level of fibre. Wheat fibre Wheat fibre is characterised by its white colour and neutral odour and taste. Wheat fibre is therefore used in a wide range of products such as meat and fish products, baked products and pasta or frozen products. Wheat fibre improves water binding, texture and freezing and thawing stability and also enriches the end products with fibre. Whole milk powder Whole milk powder has a milk fat content of at least 26% by weight and is produced from pasteurised whole milk. Whole milk powder is particularly used in the production of various dairy products such as yoghurt or cheese. Whole milk powder is also an important ingredient in the production of baked goods, chocolate, confectionery and baby food. Skimmed milk powder Skimmed milk powder has a milk fat content of no more than 1.5% and is made from pasteurised skimmed milk. In food production, skimmed milk powder is used as an ingredient in a wide range of products such as baked goods, dairy products, confectionery, chocolate drinks, coffee whitener, instant baby food and other dry products containing milk. Sweet whey powder Sweet whey powder is a byproduct of cheese production and alongside lactose contains a large number of vitamins and minerals as well as essential amino acids. In its dried form as sweet whey powder it is added to a wide range of foods to enrich these with high quality animal protein. These include confectionery and baked goods, meat products, dairy products and sports nutrition products. Fat filled milk powder Fat filled milk powder is a mixture of skimmed milk powder and plant-based fats that is used instead of whole milk powder. Fat filled milk powder is available with a range of fat and protein contents and can therefore be ideally adjusted to the end product to be manufactured. Fat filled milk powder is an economical alternative to all products produced with whole milk powder. Instant milk powder Instant milk powder is available as whole milk and skimmed milk powder. Instant milk powder can be mixed into hot or cold liquids and dissolves immediately without forming lumps.


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