
Patodia Organics LLP

No. 7, Sambhunath, Bansidhar Mullick Lane, Kolkata 700007
Lieferung: Weltweit
Gegründet: 2017
Mitarbeiter: 50-99


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283 Produkte und Dienstleistungen

Benutzerdefinierte fabrikgefertigte bedruckte weiße Kordelzugtasche
We offer a range of bag styles depending on the client's requirement. These span the promotional, packaging, and retail space. There are no 'standard'...
Kundenspezifische fabrikgefertigte weiße Handtasche aus Bio-Baumwolle
We offer a range of bag styles depending on the client's requirement. These span the promotional, packaging, and retail space. There are no 'standard'...
2020 Meistverkaufte, naturfreundliche Baumwolle, weißer Körper, braune Riemen, Strandtasche
We offer a range of bag styles depending on the client's requirement. These span the promotional, packaging, and retail space. There are no 'standard'...
Fairtrade-zertifizierte, individuell bedruckte, dunkelgrüne Tragetaschen aus Segeltuch zum Einkaufen
We offer a range of bag styles depending on the client's requirement. These span the promotional, packaging, and retail space. There are no 'standard'...
Ultra strapazierfähige, bedruckte Leinwand, kundenspezifische weiße Tragetasche
We offer a range of bag styles depending on the client's requirement. These span the promotional, packaging, and retail space. There are no 'standard'...
Wiederverwendbarer, mit benutzerdefinierten Symbolen bedruckter, dunkelgrüner Travellers-Rucksack mit Kordelzug
We offer a range of bag styles depending on the client's requirement. These span the promotional, packaging, and retail space. There are no 'standard'...
Tragbare multifunktionale Kosmetik-Organizer-Tasche für Frauen
We offer a range of bag styles depending on the client's requirement. These span the promotional, packaging, and retail space. There are no 'standard'...
Neue kundenspezifisch bedruckte wiederverwendbare Schnur-Obst-Aufbewahrungs-Segeltuchtasche
We offer a range of bag styles depending on the client's requirement. These span the promotional, packaging, and retail space. There are no 'standard'...
Custom Factory Made Light Khaki Flaschentasche mit Kordelzug
We offer a range of bag styles depending on the client's requirement. These span the promotional, packaging, and retail space. There are no 'standard'...
Beliebte recycelbare, kundenspezifische, mit Siebdruck bedruckte Juco Produce Kordelzugtasche
We offer a range of bag styles depending on the client's requirement. These span the promotional, packaging, and retail space. There are no 'standard'...
Brauner Baumwoll-Reißverschluss-Kosmetikbeutel aus Baumwolle für Beauty-Accessoires
We offer a range of bag styles depending on the client's requirement. These span the promotional, packaging, and retail space. There are no 'standard'...
Biologisch abbaubarer Werkzeugbeutel aus organischem Canvas mit individuellem Logodruck
We offer a range of bag styles depending on the client's requirement. These span the promotional, packaging, and retail space. There are no 'standard'...
Umweltfreundlicher, kundenspezifischer, werkseitig hergestellter weißer Kordelzug
We offer a range of bag styles depending on the client's requirement. These span the promotional, packaging, and retail space. There are no 'standard'...
Weißer Netzbeutel mit Kordelzug zur Aufbewahrung von Gemüse
We offer a range of bag styles depending on the client's requirement. These span the promotional, packaging, and retail space. There are no 'standard'...
Netzbeutel aus recycelter Baumwolle mit Kordelzug
We offer a range of bag styles depending on the client's requirement. These span the promotional, packaging, and retail space. There are no 'standard'...

Standort und Kontakt

Patodia Organics LLP
AddressNo. 7, Sambhunath, Bansidhar Mullick Lane, IN-700007 Kolkata

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