Finden Sie schnell compounding für Ihr Unternehmen: 7 Ergebnisse



Geeignet für filigrane, komplexe Bauteilgeometrie. Hohe Maßhaltigkeit bei hoher Prozessstabilität. Glatte Flächen und Kanten. Kurze Giesszyklen. Hohe Wirtschaftlichkeit bei großen Mengen Für grössere Serienfertigungen wirtschaftlich zu produzieren empfehlen wir Ihnen das Druckgussverfahren. Durch das Giessen von geringeren Wandstärken können Kosten markant eingespart werden, wobei ein Grossteil des Bearbeitungsaufwandes entfällt und mit der hohen Oberflächengüte werden geforderte Massgenauigkeiten fortlaufend erfüllt. Der direkte Einguss von Gewindebolzen, Stiften oder Buchsen stehen dem Konstrukteur zur freien Verfügung. Das vielfälltige Spektrum an Werkstoffen wie Aluminium, Zink oder Magnesiumlegierungen bietet unseren Kunden ein breites Angebot für die optimale Gebrauchseigenschaft.


Emulgatoren auf Basis Raps, -Sonnenblumen und Palmöl (MB und/oder SG RSPO zertifiziert). Destillierte Monoglyceride (E471) Mono-und Diglyceride (E471) Essigsäureester (E472a) Milchsäureester (E472b) Zitronensäureester (E472c) Weinsäureester E472e (DATEM) Polyglycerolester (E475) Polyglycerol Polyrizinoleate (E476) Propylenglycol Ester (E477) Natrium Stearoyl Lactylate (SSL, E481) Sorbitan Tristearat (STS, E492) Lezithine (E322)
Meratrum Vitamin D3 Spray

Meratrum Vitamin D3 Spray

Designed as a convenient, oil-based sublingual spray Meratrum Vitamin D3 delivers 1000 IU of vitamin D3 per puff. known for its vital role, Vitamin D3 maintains levels and enhances absorption of calcium, supports bones, teeth, muscle health, and boosts immune system activity. This innovative approach of Vitamin D3 supplementation requires no water and avoids any oily sensation through a fine dispersion. The dynamic technology implemented in Meratrum Vitamin D3 spray allows you to adjust your dose easily, offering either 1000 IU with a single puff or 2000 IU with two puffs.


Agar-Agar (E406) Alginate (E401,E404) Carrageenan (E407) Cellulosen (E460,E461, E464,E466) Guarkernmehle (E412) Johannisbrotkernmehle (E410) Pektine (E440) Xanthan (E 415) Gummi Arabicum (E414) Tarakernmehle (E417) Gellan Gum (E418)
Mera Vitamin E

Mera Vitamin E

A potent antioxidant that contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress utilizing the powerful features of Vitamin E. It promotes vitality and performance through protection against the damaging actions of free radicals which may occur due to metabolic processes or environmental influences. Regular use of Mera Vitamin E enhances overall performance against daily stressors and environmental challenges
Meratrum A-Z

Meratrum A-Z

Featuring a well-balanced blend of 27 vitamins, minerals, and trace elements in one convenient tablet, Meratrum A-Z is a daily supplementation to address all the health needs resulting from an unbalanced diet, increased nutritional needs due to physical activities and environmental stress. Meratrum A-Z is designed to provide a comprehensive daily supplementation to boost vitality and enhance both physical and mental performance. The tablets are well formulated with synergistically acting ingredients and optimum tableting techniques to support proper maintenance of energy metabolism, strengthen immunity, and promote well-being, including their benefits for skin vitality, eyesight, immunity, skeletomuscular health and cognitive function. While Lutein supports eye health by filtering harmful blue light, Q10 is a powerful antioxidant that aids in energy production, supports cardiovascular health, and helps maintain cellular integrity. Meratrum A-Z is a safe pick for vegetarians, people with lactose intolerance and gluten sensitivity, offering a consumer-friendly approach and facilitating an effortless supplementation for everyone!
Meravit Vitamin C 180 mg

Meravit Vitamin C 180 mg

The vibrant lemon taste makes it easy to remember to take, while its supportive formula based on Vitamin C 180 mg helps keep your immune system in great shape throughout the year.